Seeking a Silent, Holy Christmas

Today’s wonderful post is from wonderful Laurie Hock. Thank you so much, Laurie, for your wonderful words of wisdom.

Silent Night, Holy Night…

All is calm,

All is…what?

Did you just say all was silent, holy, and calm? Who are you kidding? Certainly that wasn’t how Mary saw it…or was it?

The town of Bethlehem was undoubtedly crowded. The stirring of census activities ordered by Caesar had everyone going this way and that. Yet, even in the midst of it, there was stillness to be found.

I believe the first Christmas night really was calm, though the circumstances may have you thinking otherwise. Where a woman of faith is fulfilling her destiny for the Kingdom of God, the supernatural peace of God’s presence soothes the soul.

Divine calmness covered Mary and Joseph. God knew the provision of peace was a must, right? How many other ready-to-deliver-any-day-now women would’ve tolerated a long, bumpy donkey ride, only to discover upon arrival that the room being held for her was not a suite, but a stable. I don’t think fresh linens were included. Certainly not complimentary soap and lotions.

Yet we do not see Mary complaining. She knew what her divine assignment was, and the delivery was near at hand. She embraced the circumstances leading up to this call. She knew God had chosen her for such a time as this.

The world may tell us the night in the stable was uncomfortable, unclean, and uninviting. That’s not how Mary and Joseph saw it. As the song proclaims, the night was a silent, holy night. All was calm, all was bright. For the Light of the World had just been birthed. Mary was right where she was supposed to be: in the center of God’s divine plan, relishing the warmth of His heart.

That’s true for us, too. Being used in God’s master plan for His glory brings a warmth to our hearts nothing can sever.
 Things may or may not look just right in your holiday season this year. But whether or not things go as expected or planned is not the real issue.

The beauty and magnificence of having a silent, holy Christmas is being where God wants you to be.

It’s making yourself available to receive Him.
It’s being there for Him to use and bless any way He chooses.
It’s completing what He’s set before you to do.

Adore Him. Worship Him. Fellowship with Him.
Welcome Him into your heart in a new way.
Love His people.
Give Him praise, delight and all the glory.

We cannot lose ourselves in the unpleasantries and distractions bound to arise. We have the authority in the name of Jesus to declare this Christmas a holy, silent season of awe and wonder over the birth of our Savior.

Look for the Christ child in unexpected places this year. Seek Him in the stillness. Let Him show you Himself in the holy and calm. May the serenity of the Prince of Peace be upon you.

The people rushing around Bethlehem on that evening long ago had a chance to glimpse God’s entry into this world as a babe. But in their hustle, they missed the subtle.

Will you let your Christmas be a silent, holy night this year?

Laurie Hock

Dear Lord,
May we, in our hustle, not miss the subtle. May we experience Your peace and calm. May we be where You want us to be, and be who You want us to be.


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