New News

Thanks so much, sweet cybersisters, for your prayers on behalf of my family. It was a tough, but worthwhile trip to Florida. We had 5 doctor visits in 4 days. We saw the internist, kidney specialist, oncologist, a new chiropractor and back to the internist. It was a perfect storm of scheduled appointments, each one providing valuable new information. My dad came home from the hospital on Tuesday having regained strength after having his blood sugar level restored. My stepmother’s hyponatremia (salt loss) can be regulating by restricting her fluid intake and taking salt tablets. That’s the good news, but there are still several serious issues that need prayer. Both are very fatigued, and my dad is having some uncomfortable side effects from ongoing chemo treatments. It’s hard being far from family, and they would like to move back to NJ, but the depressed real estate market is making it difficult for them to sell and buy a new home up north. They are both very appreciate of the prayers on their behalf.

On a different health issue:

Patrick Swayze’s recent death from pancreatic cancer brings to the headlines an condition that has affected our family deeply. Almost 4 years ago, Tony’s cousin, Ron Weber, passed away after battling pancreatic cancer. Then last summer, one of our favorite patients and friend, Jerry Schwartz, lost his battle with pancreatic cancer just a few months after being diagnosed. And exactly one year ago, my cousin, Allen Woolf, died within one month of being diagnosed with this same insidious disease.

On Sept 27th, my family and I are walking to support research for a cure for pancreatic cancer. The Lustgarten Foundation was extremely helpful to the Weber family during their ordeal, and they are leading the charge to finding a cure and effective treatment for this disease.

We will be walking in honor of Ron, Jerry and Allen.
If you would like to give a donation by credit card online to support this wonderful organization:
Go to:
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3 thoughts on “New News

  1. Thank you for supplying the link, Susan. Made it easy for me to get this done this morning. Will miss you on Sunday.

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