Have a Mighty Christmas!

Jean Matthew Hall of Encouraging Words for Writers is sharing today’s devotion which has spoken loudly to my heart and mind.

Have a Mighty Christmas

I’m reading a little book by Ace Collins, 25 Days, 26 Ways To Make This Your Best Christmas Ever. In the reading for Day 3, Collins explores the Christmas carol “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.” He takes a serious look at the word merry in this song. In Old English, the word could mean happy, but it had several other meanings. One of them was “mighty.”

That sets me to thinking about our greeting of “Merry Christmas.” Is that what we really want for everyone? A happy, jolly Christmas? Or do we want the people we love and respect to have a Mighty Christmas?

Do we want them to go through Christmas after Christmas laughing, singing, eating and drinking too much? Or do we want them to let God make Christmas mighty in their lives?

Do we want those around us to be caught up in all the trappings and traditions of Christmas? Or do we want them to be caught up in the saving love poured out on us by that child whose stable cradle was overshadowed by a cross?

Do we want people to simply have a Merry Christmas? Or do we want them to know the mighty power of God through Christ our Lord this Christmas? For that to happen they must surrender their hearts, their lives, and their all to Christ.

I’ve made my own little private promise to God this year. I’ve promised that each time I say a cheery “Merry Christmas” to someone, I’ll silently pray he or she’ll have a “Mighty Christmas” by accepting Christ as Savior.

Want to join me? Want to make your Merry Christmas a mighty one? Wish all those people well, but also pray for God to save their souls and change their lives into true celebrations of the Mighty Savior—to make every day Christmas in their hearts.

“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:11

Jean Matthew Hall, 2009

Lord, You are mighty, and we pray that You will be mighty in us. When we hear “merry”, may we think “mighty.”


5 thoughts on “Have a Mighty Christmas!

  1. Thanks, Susan, for the opportunity to share her on Eternity Cafe. And thanks for the kind comments, ladies.

    Mighty Christmas to you all!


  2. Thanks for this post. I didn't know the word, "merry," could be translated, "mighty."

    When store clerks wish me, "Happy Holidays," I've been responding with, "Merry Christmas." Often, they'll say it back to me.

    Susan 🙂

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