Blessed… or stressed?

It’s officially Advent, a time of expectation.

What do you expect to be for the next 25 days until Christmas?

Blessed… or stressed?

Too often, particularly at this time of year, there seems to be too much to do and not enough day to do it!

Years ago someone shared with me a quote by Allen Redpath,
“There are enough hours in the day to do what God wants you to do…
…and no more.”

So, if I’m too busy, the question that begs to be answered is,
“What am I doing that God doesn’t want me to do?”

It may be a good thing, even a very good thing, but not a God thing.
Not what He wants me to do, right here, right now.

Oswald Chambers said, “Good is the enemy of best.” How often am I busy doing a good thing and miss the best thing? How often am I distracted like Martha, rather than sitting at the feet of Jesus, like Mary? Martha of Bethany reminds me of Martha Stewart, who’s tag line was “It’s a good thing.” What Martha was doing was a good thing. Jesus and His crew needed to eat, didn’t they? They needed a place to rest, and Martha wanted them to be comfortable, didn’t she?

But Jesus said that Mary chose the better thing. It wasn’t that Mary never served. She did. But not when the better thing to do was sit and listen to her Guest. True hospitality makes the guest feel welcome and important, not impressed by the fashionable surroundings. And when your guest is Jesus, there is nothing more important than listening.

You might respond, “But I HAVE to ________________.” (fill in the blank)

Do you really?

• What would happen if you used lovely paper plates instead of china (like I did at Thanksgiving)?

• What if your children didn’t have to participate in all the sports/arts/music/scouts/etc. activities that they are presented with?

• What if you purposely left a box of decorations in the attic this year?

• What if you bought fewer gifts this year?

• What if you used dollar store gift bags rather than wrapping each gift?
• What if you committed some time each day to be spent just listening to Jesus?

Ask yourself, “Is what I am spending my time on a good thing? or the best thing?”

Lord, help me sift through the many demands on my time and determine which is the best thing You want for me. Help me to not feel guilty or disappointed, but to enjoy the satisfaction of being in Your presence.


2 thoughts on “Blessed… or stressed?

  1. Susan:
    I've had a good beginning to the Advent. I got several things done today. I have a mental schedule of things I need to do. God knows what I can handle and I accept that.

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