10… 9… 8… 7…

10 Days until Dec. 25th…
10 days to shop
10 days to wrap
10 days to bake
10 days to decorate
10 days to attend children’s programs
10 days to sit in traffic, wade through crowds, send cards, visit family & friends, …
10 days …

“I took the challenge!” My friend, Kathy, shared that she seriously took up the 40 Day Focus challenge and has been pursuing opportunities to keep Christ the focus of these past 30 days and the 10 days to come. From daily devotions (courtesy of Eternity Café, thank you very much) to going to gospel concerts to attending our Live Nativity to simply breathing in His presence, every day she has been intentional in spending her time on what is really important.

We all have the same amount of time. We can’t make time, we can only spend it.

So in the next 10 days, how can we be intentional to focus on what’s REALLY important? Share your thoughts, what you’ve done, what you still want to do…

Lord, You are what’s REALLY important, and I pray that we would keep you in the forefront of our minds as we go about our activities over these next 10 days. Help us to eliminate unnecessary distractions, and to spend our time wisely. May You speak to us and through us.

Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. Eph. 5:15-17


4 thoughts on “10… 9… 8… 7…

  1. Susan:
    Tomorrow, I get my hair cut etc. The woman who will cut etc my hair lost her mother almost two years ago. I intend to have a special gift for her.
    I will be sending special gifts to some special friends of my husband. Our church did a cookbook this year. These friends have been like family to hubby since he met this friend in second grade. I am sending four cookbooks down to that family.

    My blog still has Advent readings until Dec.24th then a Christmas reading on th 25th.

  2. thank you, susan, for reminding me to
    be more intentional. i think i got tired
    and my resolve weakened.

    i loved your comments about singing
    the tenor part and then finding out all
    your children can sing. 🙂

    "mama sang bass . . . daddy sang

    this is such a sweet place.

  3. I make my own christmas cards, and while doing that I listen to soft christmas music and I talk to God and thank Him and pray for the people i am sending the cards to…

  4. I'm planning to go to a candlelight service on Christmas Eve. This helps to focus my heart on Christ. I'm trying to yield to God and calmly connect upward in my spirit. I'm trying to live in the moment with my children, not wanting to miss opportunities to bond or to talk about God. I'm also doing less.

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