Separation Anxiety

In a parking lot near my office, I spotted the cutest family parade: four little goslings marching single file, Mother and Father Goose in front and rear, on their way to a nearby stream. 

Unfortunately, one little fella wound up on the wrong side of the fence. Hearing his family on the river side, he franticly scuttled along the barrier. A mere one foot high, for the little bird the fence might as well have been Alcatraz. 

you can spot his little head all the way to the left

Nearby, Mother Goose hovered and honked loudly to Junior who desperately waddled back and forth along the divider. At one point, he tried with all his pathetic little might to fly over the divider. Jumping and flailing his weak downy wings, he failed to launch more than an inch off the ground. And then I saw it. Several feet away, the rugged wooden beam arched upward, just a few inches, but surely high enough for Junior to scurry under. Now how to steer him there without causing him a coronary? 

I approached the drama with tiny steps in his direction, whispering words of encouragement. Mother Goose shrieked and wildly spread her wings, and I trembled, most grateful for my sunglasses protection should she attack. Then inexplicably her demeanor changed. Innately, I think she realized I was not a threat. She eyed me, but stayed silent and motionless until Junior finally found his way under the fence, and the reunited family sailed away.


Seems like a perfect belated Mother’s Day story.

Here was a mother striving in her own strength to guide her little prodigal in the way he should go, only to release control to one with greater vision. May we, like she, guide our brood, protect them as we are able, but ultimately trust their care to the One with greater vision. May we realize that He came to show us the way, speaking and guiding us gently with His still, small voice. 

Happy Belated Mother’s Day! 
seen last week at my Hallmark store:
Here’s to good women-

– May we Know them
– May we Be them
– May we Raise them

Psalm 138 (Amp)
I will confess and praise You [O God] with my whole heart;

In the day when I called, You answered me; and You strengthened me with strength in my inner self.

they shall sing of the ways of the Lord and joyfully celebrate His mighty acts, for great is the glory of the Lord.

For though the Lord is high, yet has He respect to the lowly [bringing them into fellowship with Him]; 

Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me…

10 thoughts on “Separation Anxiety

  1. Oh my, there's so much to be learned from everyday things, isn't there? So glad you shared this, Susan.

    Thanks for your comments today on my blog. Very appreciated and very encouraging. May I encourage you as well – you do have what it takes! 🙂


  2. Hello, I come to via another friends blog.. I am co~author of and I enjoyed browsing your blog and wanted to introduce ourselves.. Heart of the Home is a womens ministry reaching out to women with encouragement from Gods word and his design for women as wives, mothers, friends and etc.. Hope you will get a chance to stop by and visit us, and that we can become Blogging Buddies.. Have a great weekend.. God Bless

  3. Beautiful analogy, Susan! God is so good to let us learn these life lessons from His creation. So glad the little guy was reunited with his family! A happy outcome for all! Have a blessed week! Hugs!

  4. Love this little story…A beautiful picture of a mother's love that sometimes just isn't enough. An encouragement to give our children over to God, no matter how old they are, we can not do it on our own.
    Thanks Susan!

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