The Inscription

As an artist always autographs his work, so God too has placed His autograph on us. But not only is His image carved in us, we are carved on the palm of His hand (Isaiah 49:16). In Isaiah 49, the Israelites are wondering if God had forgotten them. He assures them that He could never forget them, they are written on His hand. Many of us have scribbled on our hand something we want to remember, whether it be a name or number or other information. Isaiah 49:16 is an assurance from God that we are inscribed, carved permanently, on His hand. He will never, ever forget us. When we mistakenly think that God has moved away from us, we must remember these words from Scripture, and ask ourselves the question, “If God feels far away, who moved?” As many steps as we might have taken away from God, it is only one step back. He never, ever forgets us.


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