Pray for His Presence

I once heard a pastor on the radio encourage his congregation to pray – not for God’s power or for God to do something, but just to pray for His presence.

Those words changed me, changed my prayer perspective. I know that God says to ask, knock, and seek, but what is it that we are asking, knocking, and seeking for? If we ask and seek for His presence, all other matters will fall into proper perspective. We’ll have His peace, even if in a storm. We’ll have His wisdom, even if in a time of indecision. His presence will put to rest our questions, doubts, fears. It will dissipate our anger, resentment, frustration.

Before we make our confessions (examining ourselves) or our supplications (requests for others or ourselves), let’s pursue His presence. Then our prayers will align with His will, and we’ll be asking, knocking, and seeking after what He desires for us.

Before we make our plans, let’s seek His presence that we will only do as He directs.

Before we set our feet to the floor in the morning, may we breathe in His presence that we will walk in agreement with Him like synchronized swimmers. Like a dancer following His lead, every movement choreographed according to His design. May our voices speak in perfect harmony with His. Like Moses, may we not move if His Presence does not go with us:

“The LORD replied, ‘My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.’
Then Moses said to him, ‘If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.'” Ex. 33:14-15

Thank you Lord, for sharing Your presence with us. May we relish it afresh every day, every moment.  

Over at Circles of Faith today, you’ll find posts on prayer by all the contributing writers. And on facebook, Circles of Faith has a new page devoted to prayer where you can share your requests.

Click here for the Circles of Faith facebook Prayer group.
Starting today, Circles of Faith will be hosting a Facebook Prayer community; a place where we can join together to share our prayer needs and testimonies of God’s provision. It is a forum for us to gather on-line and share what we are believing God for.

10 thoughts on “Pray for His Presence

  1. Susan, such truth! Seeking His presence is so essential. As the Lord once said to me, "Does My nearness suffice?" Oh, to be in His precious presence and praise Him! Wonderful, sweetie!

  2. Susan,
    This was rich. Once I learned to stop seeking in my prayers, only offering thanks and asking for connections, my faith life was enriched. I'm so glad you shared it.
    Peace and good to you in Jesus' name,

  3. I am just going into my prayer time. Indeed I will heed your words and scripture and seek His presence.

    Have a blessed Friday my friend. Love to your beautiful family – and of course you,

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