One Word for 2013

My friend, Elise, recently shared a post about her “one word” for 2012. I discovered I may be a little late joining the “One Word” bandwagon, but I think it’s a great idea, one that I think I can actually commit to long term.
Rather than making a list of resolutions with little hope of lasting, I look forward to having one word as a theme to carry me through the year in all aspects of life.
And for 2013, I’m stealing Elise’s word because I believe it’s a perfect one for me this coming year. Her word – and now mine – is NOW.

Lauren’s Christmas gift to me – my word for 2013!

I chose this word because:
I want to SAVOR the NOW
I don’t want to miss the present because I’m worrying about the future or reliving the past. I want to relish the time spent with friends and family, at work and play, at rest or in activity.
I want to DO it NOW
I admit it. I procrastinate. I often have great intentions that never materialize into anything worthwhile because I put off the initial step. Like making that phone call or sending a card. Like choosing to write rather than lose myself in reading or research. Like starting a project rather than imagining it finished. I want to take the action rather than the distraction. 

For more info on the “One Word” approach, check out these worthwhile links:

Jon Gordon’s post “One Word that Will Change Your Life”:
Melissa Fedderson on her word for 2013:
Melanie at Only A Breath is sharing her gift of making free blog graphic/buttons:
Debbie at Heart Choices shared her word for this year and the past 2 years:
And the ONE WORD 365 community:
Valuable tips on choosing your one word:

Will you leave a comment with YOUR word for 2013?

How can this be?

Has a phone call or conversation ever delivered incomprehensible news and you wondered, “How can this be?” You’re not alone…

Both the elderly priest Zechariah and the young virgin Mary wondered this, asking the same question of the messenger angel Gabriel. But Gabriel responded very differently to each of them. 

Click here to read more… 
Zechariah, Elizabeth, Mary, and Jesus


Black Friday

The term “Black Friday” screams from the TV, newspapers, radio and online. The day after Thanksgiving begins the unofficial “holiday shopping season,” the time of year when retailers move from operating “in the red” (at a loss) to “in the black” (at a profit). Stores are now opening at midnight, even 10 pm the night before, offering crazy low prices to lure customers in hoping they’ll spend lots of money. 

I can’t help but think of another “Black Friday,” a day when the greatest price was paid for the greatest gift ever given. 2000 years ago, an innocent man gave His life so that others might live. Jesus, God the Son, left His heavenly home, to be born into an ordinary family and live an ordinary life in an ordinary town, until He began His extra-ordinary ministry on earth. For 3 years, He healed the hurting, taught those who would listen, and preached the truth to all. The conclusion of His time on earth was paying the price for the sins of the entire world, past, present, and future, and providing the gift of eternal life to any who receive it. 

Now that Thanksgiving Day is over, let’s continue to live with thanksgiving in our hearts. 

photo~ -Richard K-LOVE Radio

Thank you Lord for paying the debt we owe. Thank you for rising from the dead in victory, giving us the opportunity to live in victory. May we keep You as our focus in the days and weeks to come, and be ever ready to share the real reason for the season. 


Call 911!

A facebook post from my friend Laurie Jeron reminded me of Psalm 91. She’s praying it for all us easterners in light of the pending storm. It’s one of my favorites and a perfect psalm to contemplate when all the media hype could easily derail our peace. When I first started blogging, I wrote a post on this Psalm, and I think it’s time to share it again!

Praying for peace and protection in the midst of your storms..

For years, my favorite Psalm was Psalm 91. I even used Psalm 911 as my email address. Why?

“911” is who we call when we are in trouble, and the first verse of Ps 91 is “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” That’s who we call on when we have a problem! And the psalmist goes on to declare WHY we need not fear, HOW He will cover us with His protection and become our refuge and our rest, and even how He commands His angels concerning us.

When we look at the end of the psalm – verses 14-16 – it becomes clear just how lopsided our relationship with the Father is. “‘Because he love me,’ says the LORD, ‘I will rescue him, I will protect him, for he acknowledges My name. He will call upon Me, and I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble. I will deliver him and honor him. With a long life will I satisfy him and show him My salvation.‘”

If we look at these verses, we see that God does the lion-share in this relationship. He RESCUES us, PROTECTS us, ANSWERS us, IS WITH US in trouble, DELIVERS us, HONORS us, SATISFIES us, and SAVES us. What’s our part? To love Him, acknowledge Him, and call upon Him.

How awesome is that! Just like a loving parent with the lion-share of responsibility wishing only for her child to love her, so too, our heavenly Father just desires us to love, acknowledge, and call upon Him. His promise is to rescue, protect, answer, be with us, deliver, honor, satisfy, and save us.

Could you ask for anything more?

Election Predictions

Well, three debates have come and gone. With the election less than two weeks away and still too close to call, social media and news media outlets are abuzz with comments and opinions of  people and pundits from both sides of the political fence, disparaging their opponents and claiming victory for their candidates. Uncertainty seems the order of the day. 

But as believers, we have certainty. We have assurance that there is One who reigns supreme regardless of who is in political power. Our hope is not in a politician or a platform or a policy or a prediction or a political party. 

Our hope is based on eternal not earthly predictions. 

To continue reading this post, click on over to Laced With Grace at


To Speak or Not To Speak….

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you are just not sure whether to speak or not to speak? That is the question! 
When I used to commute to NYC on the train, sometimes for no particular reason I found myself aware of a particular person in the crowd. I wasn’t sure if God wanted me to speak with that person. I’d get all clammy and nervous just thinking about it. 
Other times, in the middle of a conversation, I’d wonder if the time was right to share, if the person was open, if I could or should speak up. 
So I memorized two Scripture verses to lead me when this situation arises:
Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. Col. 4:6
– and –
Even a fool when he keeps silent is considered wise. Prov. 17:28 
(like another well-known quote: “Better to be silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.” lol)
If I sense someone in the crowd, or find myself engaged in conversation unsure what to say, I pray an instant little prayer asking God to reveal His will. One of the two scripture verses will come to mind, and I respond with a second prayer accordingly.
This works well two ways. I know what to do and I have confidence about it. 
  • If it is the Colossians verse, I ask the Lord for the gracefilled words to share. And I’m able to speak with the confidence that comes from knowing that I’m in His will. 
  • If the Proverbs verse appears in my mind, I send up a prayer FOR that person but keep my thoughts to myself with the confidence that it’s A-OK to keep silent at this time. 

Recently read on facebook: 
Knowing when to be silent is as important as knowing what to say.
These two Scriptures verses hidden in my heart help me know when to be silent or what to say. 
Have you been in this situation? I hope this tip helps you! If so, let me know ;D