Separation Anxiety

In a parking lot near my office, I spotted the cutest family parade: four little goslings marching single file, Mother and Father Goose in front and rear, on their way to a nearby stream. 

Unfortunately, one little fella wound up on the wrong side of the fence. Hearing his family on the river side, he franticly scuttled along the barrier. A mere one foot high, for the little bird the fence might as well have been Alcatraz. 

you can spot his little head all the way to the left

Nearby, Mother Goose hovered and honked loudly to Junior who desperately waddled back and forth along the divider. At one point, he tried with all his pathetic little might to fly over the divider. Jumping and flailing his weak downy wings, he failed to launch more than an inch off the ground. And then I saw it. Several feet away, the rugged wooden beam arched upward, just a few inches, but surely high enough for Junior to scurry under. Now how to steer him there without causing him a coronary? 

I approached the drama with tiny steps in his direction, whispering words of encouragement. Mother Goose shrieked and wildly spread her wings, and I trembled, most grateful for my sunglasses protection should she attack. Then inexplicably her demeanor changed. Innately, I think she realized I was not a threat. She eyed me, but stayed silent and motionless until Junior finally found his way under the fence, and the reunited family sailed away.


Seems like a perfect belated Mother’s Day story.

Here was a mother striving in her own strength to guide her little prodigal in the way he should go, only to release control to one with greater vision. May we, like she, guide our brood, protect them as we are able, but ultimately trust their care to the One with greater vision. May we realize that He came to show us the way, speaking and guiding us gently with His still, small voice. 

Happy Belated Mother’s Day! 
seen last week at my Hallmark store:
Here’s to good women-

– May we Know them
– May we Be them
– May we Raise them

Psalm 138 (Amp)
I will confess and praise You [O God] with my whole heart;

In the day when I called, You answered me; and You strengthened me with strength in my inner self.

they shall sing of the ways of the Lord and joyfully celebrate His mighty acts, for great is the glory of the Lord.

For though the Lord is high, yet has He respect to the lowly [bringing them into fellowship with Him]; 

Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me…

Mothers Day … Shmothers Day!

I confess. I have a love/hate relationship with Mother’s Day. For too many years, it represented struggle. Then I became a mom. Still some struggle to be sure, but at last I discovered what it meant to be a child of God – for in my love for my child, I got a glimpse of the unabashed, uncompromising, unconditional, unending love that my Father has for me.

Of course, comparing what I am to what I feel I ought to be (the Proverbs 31 model) leaves me feeling less than best.

This year, I found myself getting stressed out because I wanted to share a brilliant Mother’s Day message to encourage you, but just couldn’t get it together in time. I read a really great post over at my friend, Jody Hedlund, about being (or not being) a supermom. She’s a gifted homeschooling, writing, supermom of 5, but here’s a snippet of what she had to say:

  • “When I really stop to think about all my friends, I realize each of them is a super-mom in their own unique way. We all have unique gifts and abilities. Each of us puts forth incredible amounts of effort and dedication to our talents.”

I wanted to write a post as good as hers.

But I didn’t.

And there’s this quote that I wanted to share:

  • Every good mother, sooner or later, must understand she is denied ownership; she is merely granted stewardship.” T.D.Jakes

Isn’t that a great quote? I wanted to write a whole essay on the truths contained there.

But I didn’t.

Then I received that email with a great message worth sharing.

And I did.

Too often, I find myself clinging to the memories of my failures. I measure myself against Solomon’s description, that excellent wife whose noble doings surpass all other women, and I am found wanting.

It’s just too easy for me to go jogging down that memory lane. The enemy of our souls would have us settle there in that discouragement. He’s a bully, an intimidator. Peter calls him a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. When I dwell in discouragement, I feel like a toy mouse batted around by a huge, hungry cat.

It’s then that I must flee the cat, dash to the Liontamer, and remember the truth – he is a ravenous lion, but one with his teeth knocked out! He is already a defeated foe. When James says to resist the devil and he will flee from you, he first says to humble yourself before the Lord. Only by recognizing who we are in Christ can we stand firm to resist the devil. Never can we do this in our own strength.

Just as the enemy used Scripture to tempt Jesus in the desert, He can do that to me with parts of Proverbs 31, that portrayal of a true “supermom”. But Scripture is balanced, even Proverbs 31. Here’s the comment I left after reading Jody’s supermom post:

  • People who have called me a “supermom” are those who have seen just a sliver of who I really am, the outside busy part. You are so right when you say each mom has their own gifts and talents that others admire. Sadly, too often we see our failings and admire others’ gifts and talents as more valuable than our own. The only thing that really makes us super is the Maker who made us. Solomon sums it up best: “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; BUT A WOMAN WHO FEARS THE LORD IS TO BE PRAISED!”

It isn’t about what I accomplish or what I look like. It isn’t even about who I am. It’s about Who’s I am. Merely being a woman who fears the Lord is reason enough to be praised. Now instead of jogging down memory lane, I’m going to take up residence in lover’s lane with my Bridegroom.

Happy Mother’s Day! (part 1)

After struggling this week to put together a Mother’s Day post, I received an email from my sweet friend, Betsy containing the following message from Roy Lessin at Meet Me In The Meadow. So I’m totally stealing it (well, with permission) to share with you all.


Continue On

A co-worker once asked if I could write something that would be an encouragement for mothers. The message “Continue On” was the result. It is based upon the example of my wife who has faithfully served the Lord in our home through the years.

A woman once fretted over the usefulness of her life. She feared she was wasting her potential being a devoted wife and mother. She wondered if the time and energy she invested in her husband and children would make a difference.

At times she got discouraged because so much of what she did seemed to go unnoticed and unappreciated. “Is it worth it?” she often wondered. “Is there something better that I could be doing with my time?”

It was during these moments of questioning that she heard the still small voice of her heavenly Father speak to her heart. “You are a wife and mother because that is what I have called you to be. Much of what you do is hidden from the public eye. But I notice. Most of what you give is done without remuneration. But I am your reward…

Your husband cannot be the man I have called him to be without your support. Your influence upon him is greater than you think and more powerful than you will ever know. I bless him through your service and honor him through your love…

Your children are precious to Me, even more precious than they are to you. I have entrusted them to your care to raise for Me. What you invest in them is an offering to Me…

You may never be in the public spotlight. But your obedience shines as a bright light before Me. Continue on. Remember you are My servant. Do all to please Me.”

And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. Col. 3:23-24

Happy Mother’s Day to you all, whether you’re a mom or have one. May you be blessed by knowing you are adopted into His family!

Be sure to check in tomorrow with the post I was going to write!

Happy Mother’s Day – to my kids!

Perennially, Mother’s Day was a difficult day for me. Having a mother and a stepmother takes juggling to new levels. But unlike the circus, no one is ever happy. So, to be honest, Mother’s Day was never a day I looked forward to.

Until I became a mom.

The best thing for me now about Mother’s Day is the reminder of the love the Father has for us, His children. Even as a Christian, I don’t think I understood what it meant to be a child of God until I had children of my own.

So, thanks kids, for teaching what it means to be a child of our Father.

As I new mom, I couldn’t believe how much love my heart could contain. When I was pregnant with my second child, I was worried that I would not be able to love that child as much as I loved my first. How could so much love be possible? But, if you have more than one child, you know, as I found out, that it is more than possible. Exceedingly more. When one candle lights another, it does not lose any of its light. Only more light is created. And so, my second-born only increased my capacity to love.

When my children were small, they were so dependent upon me. As they grew and matured, slowly they gained independence. When my children and I would go out anywhere, my daughter always stuck close by, but my son loved to wander, and so for his own safety, I used a harness for him so he was free to explore, yet he could stray no further than the end of the leash. Now both are free to travel, but they are always tethered by an invisible bond of love.

Whether my children behave or not, my love for them does not diminish, just as God’s love never changes regardless of my behavior (1 John 4:9-10).

I must discipline them when necessary to be a good parent, just as God disciplines us (Hebrews 12:7-11).

We have security as a child of God. He will not leave us as orphans (John 14:18).

As a child of God, I have learned that there is a difference between being childlike (which we should be – Matt. 18:3) and being childish (which we ought not to be – 1 Cor. 13:11). We must develop in our relationship with the Lord as a baby matures and grows. We progress from feeding on the “milk of the Word” to meatier things (1 Peter 2:2). It’s a process. But His love for us never changes during the process.

So, Abba – Daddy, keep me close.

And kids, thanks for making every day a Happy Mother’s Day for me!