Calling All Girls!

Girls, Ladies, Women…
Please join me at the PVCA Annual Ladies Retreat at beautiful Harvey Cedars Bible Conference Center at the Jersey shore! The retreat is March 13-15, 2009, and registration is filling up. I will be speaking on the theme, “What’s In A Name?” As many of you know, this is the topic of my book, and we will be exploring our identity in Christ. Here’s the “blurb”:
“What’s In A Name?”

“You will be called by a new name that the mouth of the Lord will bestow.” Isaiah 62:2b

People everywhere are struggling with questions of identity and purpose in their lives, all asking the question “Who Am I?” Our true identity is based upon who God says we are. Throughout Scripture, we see names, titles, occupations, callings that God has placed on the lives of His people. We are fearfully and wonderfully made with a God-ordained purpose, and yet we are just a vapor, a microscopic part of God’s eternal plan. As we explore the names that God applies to us, names like friend, child, bride, sheep, soldier, runner, instrument, and more, we will be encouraged and strengthened to live, love and serve with fullness and purpose.
The weekend is a special time of fellowship, worship, small groups, teaching and lots of fun. I hope you and a friend can join us. To sign up or get more information, please contact Nancy Lightbody at: 973-464-5461 or as soon as possible.

One thought on “Calling All Girls!

  1. Susan,

    Oh how I wish I could come out to New Jersey and be in the audience!

    Got your message that you registered for She Speaks. My work hours were cut from 20hrs a week to six hours a week, with NO HOURS at all on the books the next few weeks. Since it was my job (and a blessed scholarship) that paid for last years event, it looks like God is saying no to She Speaks this year.

    But, my husband and I are still praying. We would love to take a trip back east through D.C. and then down through the South and back home. My prayer is that God would provide that miraculous trip and we would just happen to be in North Carolina so I can attend!

    If you think of me from time to time, send up a prayer on my behalf my dear friend.

    I pray all is going well with you.

    Please don’t tell me that you were routing for the Steeler’s in the Super Bowl!

    Love, Joanne

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