The Princess and The Pea

It was there. I knew it. I just couldn’t find it.

Every step I took told me there was something sharp under my foot. I took off my slipper. I took off my sock. I shook them out. I put on my sock. I put on my slipper. I took a step. Arrrgh! Still there! Over and over, I repeated this on-off-on procedure until I discovered a tiny,but sharp pebble deeply embedded in the fleecy fur of the slipper. I felt like the storybook princess who felt a tiny pea buried under her many mattresses. Something so small disturbed her terribly.

This tiny stone irritated my foot and annoyed me greatly. How about when a piece of sand gets in your eye? It rubs and scratches and grates against the delicate tissue causing redness, tears and ultimately destruction if it is not removed.

A few (quite a few!) years ago, I was on a retreat with several friends. Nancy, Neil and I were walking, and I had trouble with the stairs due to an old injury to my right knee. At 16 years old, I had surgery on the knee after a bad fall that chipped part of the back of the kneecap (among other things). The surgery removed the chips and repaired the ligaments & tendons, but the surgeon did not smooth the back of the kneecap, as he should have. Consequently, the knee was (and is – despite 2 additional surgeries) a “constant source of irritation”. When I explained my knee trouble to Nancy & Neil, I mentioned those words “constant source of irritation”. Immediately, Nancy turned to Neil with a smile (or should I say smirk) and said, “Neil, you are a constant source of irritation!”
We have laughed about this for years since. But if you have someone, or something, in your life that is a constant source of irritation, it usually is not a laughing matter. Just the sight of that person can raise all sorts of emotions. Just the reminder of that situation can cause physical responses such as tightening of the muscles, headaches… do I need to go on?

But take that very same grain of sand, that source of irritation to the eye, place it in an oyster, and something magical happens. When that irritant is caught inside the oyster’s shell, the oyster starts to secrete a substance called nacre. This substance coats the irritant and encapsulates it. According to Wikipedia, “Nacre, also known as mother of pearl, is strong, resilient, and iridescent. This substance is called “mother of pearl” because it is literally the “mother”, or creator, of true pearls.” What begins as an irritating annoyance is transformed. The insignificant grain of sand has become a valuable pearl.
What is important to note is the fact that the irritant in the eye is exactly the same as the one in the oyster. What is different is the response! Scripture is clear that God allows tribulations in our lives (John 16:33). Jesus said, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” The phrase, “you will have trouble” is sandwiched between “you may have peace” and “take heart. I have overcome the world!”.

Whatever is your “constant source of irritation” can be transformed into a valuable pearl if you respond as the oyster. Won’t you be “strong, resilient and iridescent” (reflecting the light!)? Would you receive your irritation as the beginning of a beautiful transformation in your life? Will you recognize that God allowed this person or situation to be close to you for your benefit, so that you can be transformed? And take note – there would be no valuable pearl without that annoying irritant!

In the fable, the princess was troubled by a small matter. In real life, you are a princess (1 Peter 2:9) You are a daughter of the King. Do not let yourself be troubled by what really is a small matter compared to our kingdom, our eternity! Allow that nuisance to bring about transformation – Christlikeness – the most precious, priceless, valuable quality you could ever possess.


Super Fan, part 2

Don’t you know that after my Super Bowl post, ideas kept floating in my head keeping me awake that night! So, I just have to share a short followup here:

A Fan:
wears a jersey, t-shirt, face paint, anything that bears the team colors.
A Christian:
wears a garment of praise, is clothed in righteousness, puts on the full armor of God.
Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Col. 3:12

A Fan:
reads all the news and statistics regarding her favorite team.
A Christian:
reads God’s Word to know God and to know about God.
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man (or woman) of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Tim. 3:16-17

A Fan:
watches her sports idol from afar.
A Christian:
has a deep, personal relationship with the Lord who knows and loves her.
Praise be to the LORD, for He showed his wonderful love to me. Psalm 31:21
We love because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19
O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. You know when I sit down or stand up. You know my thoughts even when I’m far away. Psalm 139:1-2

A Fan:
cheers for her favorite team until she is hoarse.
A Christian:
praises the Lord because He is worthy of praise, and tells others about Him and so they can know the joy and peace He alone can bring.
Therefore I will praise you, O LORD, among the nations; I will sing praises to your name. 2 Samuel 22:50
Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts. 1 Chronicles 16:9

And now here’s a cheer to rock the house!!:
Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, singing: “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!” Rev. 5:13

It’s good to be a fan, but it’s great to be a Christian!!

Having a Bad Day? Check this out!

If you think you’re having a bad day, please take inspiration from this man. Sometimes, God doesn’t give us what we think we need because we would never become what He wants us to be if we had those things

I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Phil. 4:11-13

Super Fan or Super Fanatic?

Well, unless you’re living in a cave, you’ve heard that the Super Bowl is this Sunday. Whether you love football or not, chances are you are aware that this is the biggest one-day sporting event of the year. I just saw a news clip that reporters from around the globe will be at the Super Bowl broadcasting in 34 languages! The word “touchdown” is said “touchdown” in every language! Across the country, even the world, people will gather for Super Bowl parties. They’ll eat, cheer, scream, cry, laugh. (By the way, do you know that more avocados are sold at this time than any other time of the year? Guacamole Time!!) Even if you normally don’t follow either team in the game, a ticket to this event is in high demand, despite its extremely high price.

People proudly bear the “badge of honor” – FAN. Recently, my son has complimented me on my “fanhood”! Is that even a word? Ok, I admit it – I am a football fan. And this year, I’m rooting for the underdog Cardinals. If you haven’t heard of quarterback Kurt Warner, you must check out his testimony even if you don’t know the difference between football and cricket (that’s a trick question – in England, football is cricket, and soccer is football. Go figure!) Click here to read about Kurt’s testimony.

People who are fans are followers of various things – sports, celebrities, authors, movies, tv shows, hobbies, etc. Fans know information and statistics about the object of their choice. They spend significant amounts of time engaged in activities relating to these interests.

As a Christian, I am follower of Jesus Christ, Savior of the world, a “fan” of the Lord Most High! Some might (and do) say a “fanatic”. So why is it okay to be a “fan” of earthly activities, yet followers of Jesus are considered “fanatics”? But, that’s besides the point. My point is this – as a Christian, we ought to be engaged in activities that draw us closer to Him with the same (or greater) zeal that fans show to their earthly interests.

In a book I was reading, Henry Blackaby says, “The result of the Holy Spirit coming upon the disciples was earthshaking. No, it extended much further than that – these Spirit-filled believers literally shook the gates of hell. So dramatic was the Spirit’s coming upon them that onlookers could not help but be in awe: ‘They were all amazed and marveled’; ‘they were all amazed and perplexed’; ‘they were filled with wonder and amazement’; ‘they marveled’. (Acts 2:7, 12, 3:10, 4:13) Does the world marvel at the church today? Unfortunately, much of what happens in the contemporary church is little more than a reflection of the values and the reasoning of the surrounding culture, instead of a clear demonstration of God’s power.”
He says that we must stop asking, “What can I do for God?” which is self-centered. Rather ask, “What does God want to do through me?” Making that subtle shift in thinking will have dramatic results in your life, for what you’ll witness will be God’s power to transform lives, not just your own ability to help people in need. … You’ll discover that merely watching the activity of God from a distance could never compare with the thrill of being fully involved in the Spirit’s active work.

I love that last sentence – instead of being a fan on the sidelines, get in the game!! Be a part of the greatest show on earth, so to speak. Partner with God to participate in securing victory for His kingdom! Huddle with God to get His game plan, then go defeat the enemy in His strength!

I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes. Rom.1:16

I am suffering, yet I am not ashamed, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him for that day. 2 Tim. 1:12

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Phil. 4:13

May you truly have a super Sunday as you worship the Lord Almighty!

Coffee Filters, Anyone?

Want to hear something funny? At least, I found it funny. On Sunday, my sister gave me her old coffeemaker. I figured I could make a pot of regular and decaf when I have people over. This coffeepot uses flat bottom coffee filters. I only had the cone type, so today I purchased the flat ones. Well, the package of 200 was on sale for the price of 100, so of course, I bought 200 even though we don’t even drink coffee. I was looking at the package wondering what I could do with all those filters. Several minutes later, I checked my email and my friend, Donna, sent me the following email. She thought I might want to share it on the blog (said she “saw a story brewing, no pun intended!”). I would have found it worth sharing anyway, but the timing just made me laugh out loud. As my daughter says, “God cracks me up!”

Coffee filters…who knew! And you can buy 1,000 at the discount store for almost nothing. COFFEE FILTERS: Not just for making coffee…

1. Cover bowls or dishes when cooking in the microwave. Coffee filters make excellent covers.
2. Clean windows and mirrors. Coffee filters are lint-free so they’ll leave windows sparkling.
3. Protect China. Separate your good dishes by putting a coffee filter between dishes.
4. Filter broken cork from wine. If you break the cork when opening a wine bottle, filter the wine through a coffee filter.
5. Protect a cast-iron skillet. Place a coffee filter in the skillet to absorb moisture and prevent rust.
6. Apply shoe polish. Ball up a lint-free coffee filter.
7. Recycle frying oil. After frying, strain oil through a sieve lined with a coffee filter.
8. Weigh chopped foods. Place chopped ingredients in a coffee filter on a kitchen scale.
9. Hold tacos. Coffee filters make convenient wrappers for messy foods.
10. Stop the soil from leaking out of a plant pot. Line a plant pot with a coffee filter to prevent the soil from going through the drainage holes.
11. Prevent a popsicle from dripping. Poke one or two holes as needed in a coffee filter.
12. Put a few on a plate and put your fried bacon, French fries, chicken fingers, etc. on them. They soak out all the grease.

I knew that you can make angels out of them, too. Saw it in a children’s Sunday School craft book. But now I have so many practical uses for coffee filters! Who knew?


Miracle Worker

I received this in an email (thanks Kim!).
This image put a lump in my throat.
Let’s be sure to thank God the for miracles, big and small, that He does every day.
Today, my daughter had a pressure-cooker day. In the “hi!” message she left on my home machine, her voice wavered, a sign of the stress she was feeling. When I arrived home and checked the mailbox, I sent her a text message that the schoolbooks she ordered had come. Later she called and said with a laugh, “God cracks me up!” She shared part of what her struggles had been that day, and at the very moment she was lamenting to herself that she really needed those books for her class, she received my text message that they had arrived. It was like releasing the lid of the pressure-cooker. God’s fingerprints were all over the timing in that small matter.
I sometimes have trouble grasping the fact that the God of the universe, who sets planets in orbit and galaxies in motion, is just as concerned about our individual trials and tribulations. They are not small matters to Him. And I think that is what is so astounding to me! I could possibly grasp that He is the Creator of this vast universe. Or I could possibly grasp that He is my Friend or that He loves me as His precious child. But to be both just boggles my mind! You may have heard it said: He is so big the universe cannot contain Him, yet He is so small He fits inside our hearts. Close your eyes and imagine the far reaches of the universe. He is there. Close your eyes and take a slow deep breath – inhaling the very Spirit of God. He is there. What an awesome, unfathomable, loving, caring God we serve!! Won’t you ask Him to reveal Himself to you more, show you something new today?

Hello Love – Part 2

Okay, let me say I’m sorry. I don’t want to go on and on about Friday night’s Chris Tomlin concert, but I have just a couple more things to share, and then I’ll be done with this topic! I promise!

For the first time EVER that I know of, an artist did a callout to those in the audience who canNOT sing!! Halleluia! Raise the roof! We bad singers are never appreciated! I’ve actually been told to sing tenor – ten or twenty feet away. Yes, it’s true. And I was really asked to sing solo once – so low you can’t hear me. I love to sing, and I do sing my heart out – in the shower – in the car. I sing all day long (as long as no one is around to hear me). Should my husband walk in the room, he’ll say softly out of the corner of his mouth, “Don’t sing.” Having the rest of my family be so talented musically makes me even more aware of my lack of singing abilities. But let me say this – nowhere in the Bible does it speak about singing on key. Singing is not included in any of the lists of spiritual gifts. In fact, musical talent is barely referred to at all. What the Bible does say is “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord.” Now, those who have the misfortune of standing next to me in church may not be joyful hearing my “noise”, but my heart is filled with joy when I praise the Lord, and I think He appreciates that! So, let’s all make a joyful noise!! Can I hear an “Amen”?

The other thing I wanted to mention is this. I was seated in front of a “old” friend of mine. Not that she’s old, just that our friendship has lasted nearly 30 years. We don’t see each other much, but when we do, it’s just like no time has passed. I love that! Anyway, she was at the concert with her daughter, her son-in-law and his mother, who I met for the first time. She was from Kentucky and said that she was amazed to see so many Christians at the concert. She didn’t think there were that many Christians in all of New Jersey. Sure not like Kentucky! I responded that there are just so many more people in this area in general. Because there are so few Christians compared to the population, it is all the more important to let our light shine. In my last post, I shared about the single light bulb and how it illuminated the darkness. The very nature of light extinguishes the darkness. So just think if more and more and more light bulbs were added to that one. What an impact it would make. Friends, let us let our lights shine brightly. Let our good works glorify our Father in heaven. Let us make known His name among the people. Let us not hide our light under a bushel. When light is present, darkness cannot exist. So let us shine His light in us for the world to see.


Hello, Love!!

I am still basking in the glow of the worship experience I had last night at the Chris Tomlin concert – his “Hello Love” CD tour. About 15,000 people and I worshipped together giving me a tiny taste of what heaven might be like – “the multitudes of heaven worship you.” Neh. 9:6

The music was awesome, so worshipful. But I was also impressed by a few other things that occurred during the night that I want to share with you.


At one point, Chris Tomlin was singing the song “Forever” and forgot the words. Well, it had been a long night, on a long tour. The band continued to play… the other singers kept singing. And when Chris began singing again, it was the words … “by the grace of God, we will carry on… His love endures forever…” And it hit me that there are times in our lives when we lose track of where we should be. Maybe we go through the motions, but not sensing the strength and peace and presence of God. Maybe it’s something else we are struggling with – a relationship, a work situation, depression, health or financial worries – something that causes us to trudge through life unaware of the joy and freedom that Christ brings. And we find ourselves just “carrying on” not even realizing that it is by the grace of God we do so. Other times, we find ourselves in a difficult time or situation, and do know that it is only the grace of God that is carrying us through. Still other times, all seems well, and yet even then it is still only by the grace of God that we carry on. Chris said, “You don’t have it all together, I don’t have it all together but God holds it all together.” So:

Give thanks to the Lord … Our God and King …
His love endures forever
For He is good, He is above all things … His love endures forever
Sing praise, sing praise
With a mighty hand and outstretched arm His love endures forever
For the life that’s been reborn His love endures forever
Sing praise, sing praise
Forever God is faithful … Forever God is strong …
Forever God is with us
From the rising to the setting sun His love endures forever
By the grace of God We will carry on His love endures forever
Forever God is faithful … Forever God is strong …
Forever God is with us


Chris shared a challenge to get involved with Starting at a Passion conference in Atlanta, this movement has been raising money to help poor people in the name of Christ all over the world. He said, “Our worship has to get some legs and do something. It has to take action.” This week, my Sunday School homework focused on Romans 12:1 where Paul says, “Therefore I urge you, brethren (and sisters!), by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.” Our service and our worship is inseparable.
As one person, we can do a little. Many together can do a lot. At the Passion conference, the students were encouraged to share financially with those a round the worldwho have so little and need so much. It was a shock to the leaders when 20,000 student raised $1,000,000! And that began To illustrate his point, all the lights were turned off on the stage except for one bare bulb. This little bulb was clearly visible throughout the arena. And Chris shared, “The darker it is – the brighter that 50 watt bulb shines!” Even one shining in the darkness provides enough light to overcome that darkness. Imagine what hundreds of lights will do! We sang, “A light shines in the darkness” to the tune of “O Come All Ye Faithful”. Isaiah 9:2 says, “The people who walk in darkness will see a great light; Those who live in a dark land, The light will shine on them.” That’s the focus of Check it out by clicking here.
This next point my kids urged me not to share, but maybe you are as corny as I am, so here goes: The concert was at the Prudential Center in Newark where the NJ Devils hockey team plays. We were sitting on the “floor seats” where it was cool as the ice was below the floor. At one point as we sang, I became aware that below me was ice where Devils skate. Above me were banners praising Devils, but in between the music was rising and the presence of heaven was so strong and we were singing “rising up all around is the anthem of the Lord reknown …” and “I will rise … and I hear the voice of many angels sing…worthy is the Lamb”. The angels defeated the devils that night! (Sorry if that was too corny!)
And my last point (although there were so many more) is this: Near the end of the concert, Chris Tomlin invited Israel Houghton (the opening act) to come out and join him for the last songs. Previously, I have seen Chris in concert opening for Steven Curtis Chapman who did the same thing for him. The blessings and opportunities that Chris had received earlier in his career, he was now passing on to another. And so should we. As God has taught us, so we should teach others. As He has blessed us, so we should bless others.
And that is the purpose of this blog. Whatever I have received from God, I want to share with you that you also would be blessed or taught. God does not want us to be like a cup that He fills. He wants us to be like a hose, a conduit, sharing and passing along whatever He has given us. That includes words of comfort, of wisdom, of blessing. It includes money, talents, gifts. May whatever He has shared with you be a blessing to others through you.

Getting Sick?

My blessed friend, Joanne, posted this on her blog, and I just had to share it with you.

Are you getting sick?
For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12

Cold and flu season is just getting started and already I feel a sinus infection coming on. Once I feel the symptoms of an achy head, burning throat, or stuffed sinuses, I get my armor on, ready for battle. With a few years under my belt, thankfully, I have gained a little bit of wisdom. I work quickly to try and stop any ailment in its tracks. Taking vitamin C, Airborne, and Zicam, I arm myself to beat it down before it starts. I know just how miserable it is to be sick and I will do everything in my power to not let my enemy advance.

So, why don’t I react the same way when my spiritual health is at risk? Spiritual illnesses such as anger, discontentment, pride,and fear, just like a cold or flu to our physical bodies, cause our spiritual bodies to come to a stop for awhile-holding us back from whatever service the Lord has purposed us for. Just like my achy head and burning throat, there are symptoms to warn us of their coming visit. The infection of anger usually begins with small irritations and annoyances. Discontentment begins with an ungrateful heart. Pride’s symptoms are selfishness, while the symptoms of worry and anxiety can become a full blown illness called fear.

Just like the treatment of vitamin C helps my body to defeat my oncoming infection, the greatest elixir for any spiritual illness is the Word of God It never ceases to amaze me that when I am suffering from a spiritual illness, how fast these symptoms flee in the face of His word. When I feel symptoms coming on, I fight them by looking up all that God’s word says about that specific ailment. If I am suffering from anxiety I will looking up all that God has to say about them. If I am worrying or anxious, scriptures about anxiety, worry and fear speak straight to my heart, Phil. 4:6a “Do not be anxious for anything…” Isaiah 41:10 “Fear not, for I am with you…” Joshua 1:9 “Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Friends, are you suffering from anything today? Do you feel an illness coming on? Protect yourselves with the battle gear that God has given you. His Word is alive and active, sharper than any two-edged sword to defend ourselves from anything that gets in our way. Check your heart for symptoms before they become full blown illnesses.
Remember friends, when we get into God’s Word, God’s Word gets into us!

Believing God!