Dive In!

While staying on retreat last March, our rooms had a beautiful view overlooking the bay.
We could see lots of activity among the geese as they swam and frolicked in the water.
My friend, Connie, shared with me something that she had noticed about the geese.
She saw many of the geese diving down into the water even though there was ample food along the shoreline. She said that it must be that the food in the water is the good stuff. And so rather than settle for the easy way, the geese made the effort to dive down deep to get the better morsels. Just like we should dive down deep for the good stuff in God’s Word. .
Oswald Chambers said, “Good is the enemy of best.” If we settle for what’s good, we miss out on what’s best.
When it comes time for reading the Bible, sometimes we skim the surface rather than dive in to find deeper meaning. But the good stuff is down deep!
When we learn that it was in prison that Paul said, “I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances” it means more than if he was writing these words from the comfort of his home.
When we learn the meaning of the words in their original language, they take on new meaning. For example, the parts of the armor of God in Ephesians 6 include the “sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.” All the other parts of the armor are defensive (helmet, shield, etc.) The sword (God’s Word) is our only offense. But the word for sword does not mean a large saber-type sword. No, it is a small sword, like a scalpel, to be used an instrument of healing removing that which is detrimental to our health, not as a machete to hurt someone.
Down deep, we find the history of the times in which the words were recorded. And the geneologies that we so often skip over contain nuggets of insight, like the fact that there is a harlot (Rahab) in the line of David and Jesus.
It’s worthwhile to dive down deep to be fed spiritually on the Word. The Bible refers to itself as our spiritual food. Babies eat milk, not meat, because they can’t digest it. But as they mature, they move on to meatier, more complex things. And so should we.
Along that same line, we should not be discouraged if we don’t understand some of what we read in the Bible. We just haven’t grown to that point yet, but it’s something to look forward to. What we don’t want is to settle for less than best.
The words from “Dive” by Steven Curtis Chapman say:
I’m diving in,
I’m going deep
In over my head,
I want to be
Caught in the rush,
lost in the flow,
in over my head,
I want to go
The river’s deep,
the river’s wide,
the river’s water is alive
So sink or swim, I’m diving in
There is a supernatural power
In this might river’s flow
It can bring the dead to life
And it can fill an empty soul
And give a heart the only thing
Worth living and worth dying for, yeah
But we will never know the awesome power
Of the grace of God
Until we let ourselves get swept away
Into this holy flood
So if you’ll take my hand
We’ll close our eyes and count to three
And take the leap of faith
Come on let’s go
So friends, let’s go! Won’t you dive in deep with me and discover the amazing truths found in His Word.

Happy Mother’s Day – to my kids!

Perennially, Mother’s Day was a difficult day for me. Having a mother and a stepmother takes juggling to new levels. But unlike the circus, no one is ever happy. So, to be honest, Mother’s Day was never a day I looked forward to.

Until I became a mom.

The best thing for me now about Mother’s Day is the reminder of the love the Father has for us, His children. Even as a Christian, I don’t think I understood what it meant to be a child of God until I had children of my own.

So, thanks kids, for teaching what it means to be a child of our Father.

As I new mom, I couldn’t believe how much love my heart could contain. When I was pregnant with my second child, I was worried that I would not be able to love that child as much as I loved my first. How could so much love be possible? But, if you have more than one child, you know, as I found out, that it is more than possible. Exceedingly more. When one candle lights another, it does not lose any of its light. Only more light is created. And so, my second-born only increased my capacity to love.

When my children were small, they were so dependent upon me. As they grew and matured, slowly they gained independence. When my children and I would go out anywhere, my daughter always stuck close by, but my son loved to wander, and so for his own safety, I used a harness for him so he was free to explore, yet he could stray no further than the end of the leash. Now both are free to travel, but they are always tethered by an invisible bond of love.

Whether my children behave or not, my love for them does not diminish, just as God’s love never changes regardless of my behavior (1 John 4:9-10).

I must discipline them when necessary to be a good parent, just as God disciplines us (Hebrews 12:7-11).

We have security as a child of God. He will not leave us as orphans (John 14:18).

As a child of God, I have learned that there is a difference between being childlike (which we should be – Matt. 18:3) and being childish (which we ought not to be – 1 Cor. 13:11). We must develop in our relationship with the Lord as a baby matures and grows. We progress from feeding on the “milk of the Word” to meatier things (1 Peter 2:2). It’s a process. But His love for us never changes during the process.

So, Abba – Daddy, keep me close.

And kids, thanks for making every day a Happy Mother’s Day for me!

Things not said . . .

Last night, I was the speaker at a Ladies Tea. It was a perfectly lovely evening in every way. The theme of the evening was “You are the light of the world.” My message looked at why we may experience darkness, and how we can let our light shine. It was full of my trademark word pictures and illustrations. I had used candles in my presentation, and unknown to me, their theme song for the week leading up to the tea (Missions Week) was “Light Your Candle.” My friend and I joked “It’s a God thing!”

So why did I feel unsettled when it was over? The truth is – I knew that my message was not what it could have been. Not what it should have been.

It didn’t occur to me until afterwards that what was missing was my personal testimony of how God met me in a dark place and how He delivered me into His light. I’m still not quite sure why I hadn’t thought of that earlier, but perhaps it’s because He wants me to share it with an even wider audience. And so, tomorrow I will share my story with you.

Today, I’m thinking about things not said. Now to be honest, many people, including me, have regrets about things that they did say. Words spoken in anger or out of spite. Words spoken in haste. Words spoken before thinking. Open mouth, insert foot. And I have certainly had my fair share of those moments. But, for me, I have even more regrets about things I have left unsaid. Times that I was silent for God. Times that I wasn’t honest in saying how I feel. Times when afterward I would say all those things I’d wanted to say, but say them to my steering wheel or showerhead.

Why? Why did I keep silent when I knew I should have spoken?
Out of fear. To avoid confrontation. To appear to be a better person than I am. There are many reasons why. None of them good.

I know that there are times when I should keep silent and times when I should speak up. Scripture says there’s “a time to be silent and a time to speak.” Eccl. 3:7
It’s how to know when to be silent and when to speak that requires discernment first, and then the boldness to speak or the patience to remain silent. To help me along, I memorized two Bible verses:

“Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” Col. 4:6
“Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent…” Prov. 17:28
or as an olden proverb says: “It’s better to be silent and be thought a a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.”

Now when I find myself unsure about whether to speak up or remain silent (but silently speak to God), I pray and ask God to bring one of these verses to mind. Then I can act with the confidence that comes from knowing that I am in God’s will whether I speak or keep silent.


When must we NOT show mercy?

This is the first, but surely not the last, you will read about my gardening experiences. I find so many illustrations about the Christian life when I am tending my garden. Maybe that’s why it all began in a garden.

The truth is: I have a love/hate relationship with my garden. Oh, how I love the blooms, the fragrance, the sheer beauty that shows its face each spring. Oh, how I hate the seemingly endless care that it requires. And to be honest, I’m not the most gifted gardener. But, I try.

Today, I was attacking an overgrown hydrangea with the pruning shears. Perhaps “attacking” is too strong a word, but I think the hydrangea would disagree. From the plant’s point of view, I seemed just vicious, showing no mercy. But in fact, I was saving its life. There were shoots of dead wood, and if left intact, they would have a negative impact on the rest of the plant, as well as the other plants in the garden, especially the peony next door.

At times, I feared I was too aggressive, but I’ve had this hydrangea a long time. We’ve been through this before, and from past experience, I know that this seemingly harsh treatment is very beneficial. My hydrangea rewards me every summer with a bounty of blooms because with the life-sucking shoots gone, its energy can be directed toward new life.

As Christians, we are instructed to show mercy. Jesus says “God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” (Matt. 5:7). Mercy is the very hallmark of the Christian. But there are times when what appears to be mercy isn’t. When a friend or loved one is engaged in dangerous behavior, they need boundaries and consequences, not an enabler. When sin is crouching at our door, it needs a swift kick right out that door. When envy or bitterness or resentment start slithering under our skin, we need to uproot and remove it. Just a few verses after Jesus teaches about mercy, He says, “If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.” (Matt. 5:39) Oooh, well, that doesn’t seem too merciful to the eye, does it? No, but sin is like gangrene. It may start small, but unless it is amputated and removed, it will spread causing death and destruction.

So the truly merciful thing to do is nip it in the bud, just like my hydrangea.


Mourning to Gladness

I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow. Jeremiah 31:13

Well, I wasn’t exactly mourning. That’s way too strong a word, but I sure was disappointed.

Yesterday at my son’s high school was the final chapel of the series based on my book-to-be. It has been a terrific series, and the finale of this last chapel was a wonderful presentation by the students in the class. As James softly played the piano, one by one each student in the class came on the stage, alternately from the left and right. Each one spoke a different “i am . . .”, read a Bible verse and carried or wore a symbol representing that identity. Fourteen in all portrayed clay, child, bride, soldier, part of the body, instrument, ambassador and so on. To wrap it up, I came up last and shared the final “i am” – “Here I am . . . send me. . .” During my conclusion, I shared the words I had first shared 7 weeks ago:

“I am not who you think I am.
I am not even who I think I am.
I am who God says I am.”
The whole presentation was very moving, and it was videotaped so that we could put it on YouTube and be an encouragement to others (including you!). Well, we thought it was videotaped. You see, in order to be taped, it is necessary to push the “REC” button, and the guy doing the recording did everything but press “REC”.
My heart sank when I heard the news. I tried to be cool about it, but secretly I was so-o-o-o disappointed.
Until later that night.
My son called me over to see something on the computer. He was checking Facebook (what else is new??) and pointed toward the middle of the screen. There amid the many photos and newsy updates was a picture of a girl from his school, and what do I see next to her picture in the “what’s on your mind” box: “I AM NOT WHO YOU THINK I AM. I AM NOT WHO I THINK I AM. I AM WHO GOD SAYS I AM.”
Oh, God is so good!
The class wants to re-enact the presentation to properly film it in a few weeks, so hopefully you’ll be able to see it. But whether or not that actually takes place is not quite as important to me now. To know that the message reached at least one, hopefully more, was such a blessing. To have this young lady declare it boldy to the world, at least her part of the world, is such a testimony to importance of this message.
Isn’t it funny how we can feel so disappointed one minute, then soaring with gladness the next? All because we see God working. Oh, may we remember that He is always working!!

Answered Prayer

There’s an email circling around about a medical missionary in Africa who was traveling in a dangerous area carrying medical supplies and money. Alone, he had camped overnight and arrived safely to his destination, but later he was told that some men from the city had planned to kill him for the drugs and money. When they arrived at his campsight, they fled because they saw 26 guards surrounding him.

While on furlough in Michigan, the missionary related this story to a group of men. One of the men asked him when this event happened. It was discovered that at the very moment the missionary was in danger, some of the men had felt a strong urge to pray for the missionary, and there were exactly 26 men who had prayed!

Stories like that amaze us, but also can seem like they only happen to others. But God is faithful whether we think the matters are of small importance or large.
Years ago, while still a new Christian, I was having severe problems with insomnia. I couldn’t fall asleep, and then I couldn’t stay asleep. And during the brief sleep I did have, I had terrible nightmares. It began to affect my health. One day, my friend Nancy asked me how have I been sleeping. She had been praying for me. When she asked me the question, I realized that for the past few nights, my sleep had been wonderfully restful. I had hadn’t even noticed until she asked! That experience taught me the power and significance of intercessory prayer.
Recently, my daughter had experienced a big disappointment. She was feeling overwhelmed and depressed and couldn’t seem to move past it. One day, as she was busy walking back and forth across campus registering for classes, she noticed the weight had just mysteriously lifted. No reason why. No particular thoughts in her mind. Simply freedom from the oppression. She was so joyful as she told me all about it. And she said that she felt that she was being prayed for. When I shared this with my husband, he said that that very afternoon as he was working on the computer, he was praying for her. Tony noticed the picture that Lauren had set as background for my desktop:

This picture of Lauren and me was taken at my brother’s wedding when she was their 5 year old flower girl. My husband prayed that she would have the weight lifted off her shoulders – and her heart – and that she would be as free as she was in those days of innocence.

This may not be life and death stuff, but it has been a powerful testimony in our family that God does hear and answer prayer. Nothing is too small for Him to be concerned about nor too big for Him to handle.

“but God has surely listened and heard my voice in prayer.
Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld His love from me!” Ps.66:19-20


What, me worry?

Normally, I love to hear the sweet tweets of the birds, but today outside the window of our office their joyful clamor tells me that they are very busy. Each spring, against our wishes, they attempt to build their nest under the eaves. Twig by twig, on and on, they flutter to and fro.


Do you think they are worried about the economic crisis? the war overseas? what to make for dinner? if they look fat in their outfit? Nope! They’re like Alfred E. Newman from MAD magazine. Remember him? His signature line is “What, me worry?” That was Jesus’ line, too!!
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matt. 6:25-34


Take note that Jesus compares worrying about these things to being like a pagan! Ouch!


After hearing the birds yesterday, it was my husband who suggested today’s post. Now he is a natural-born worrier, descended from a long line of worriers. Yet, God has shown him the futility of worry. He told his mom once, “Worry is like a rocking chair. You spend a lot of energy, but don’t get anywhere!”


I think it’s important to note that freedom from worry does not mean sitting back, resting, doing nothing, hoping for God to provide. The birds don’t expect their nest to materialize on its own. They spend countless hours searching and building. It’s just that they don’t fret about it.
I think it’s time we all became “birdbrains!” What, me worry?

You Say, God Says

Some time ago, I received the following email:

You say: “It’s impossible.”
God says: “All things are possible.” Luke 18:27

You say: “I’m too tired.”
God says: “I will give you rest.” Matt. 11:28-30

You say: “Nobody really loves me.”
God says: “I love you.” John 3:16&34

You say: “I can’t go on.”
God says: “My grace is sufficient for you.” 2 Cor. 12:9

You say: “I can’t figure things out.”
God says: “I will direct your steps.” Prov. 3:5-6

You say: “I can’t do it.”
God says: “You can do all things.” Phil. 4:13

You say: “I’m not able.”
God says: “I am able.” 2 cor. 9:8

You say: “It’s not worth it.”
God says: “It will be worth it.” Rom. 8:28

You say: “I can’t forgive myself.”
God says: “I forgive you.” 1 John 1:9, Rom. 8:1

You say: “I can’t manage.”
God says: “I will supply all your needs.” Phil. 4:19

You say: “I’m afraid.”
God says: “I have not given you a spirit of fear.” 2 Tim. 1:7

You say: “I’m always worried and frustrated.”
God says: “Cast all your cares on ME.” 1 Peter 5:7

You say: “I’m not smart enough.”
God says: “I give you wisdom.” 1 Cor. 1:30

You say: “I feel all alone.”
God says: “I will never leave you or forsake you.” Heb. 13:5

Why is it so easy to listen to the voice of the deceiver? The band, Casting Crowns, sings:
But the voice of truth tells me a different story
And the voice of truth says “Do not be afraid!”
And the voice of truth says “This is for My glory”
Out of all the voices calling out to me
I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth
Won’t you listen to the voice of truth? When you hear those lies and accusations, won’t you choose to listen to the voice of truth? Philippians 4:8 says
Finally, ‘sisters’,
whatever is true,
whatever is noble,
whatever is right,
whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely,
whatever is admirable—
if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—
think about such things.”
This is an instruction = “Think on these things” – not a suggestion or a wishful thinking = not “try to think…”
God would not instruct us to do something that is not possible to do. When you catch yourself drifting into false thoughts, lasso those thoughts – “take every thought captive.” Several years ago, my friend, Ashley, was facing a very difficult time. Pregnant with a very sick baby, her thoughts often drifted to worry. So she decided to make a list of what is true, noble, etc. She had so many listed under “true” that she went no further. When her thoughts drifted to worry, she pulled out her list to remove those thoughts and replace them with truths from the Word.
The result of applying this Scripture to your thoughtlife? The verses before and after Phil. 4:8 tell us the peace of God will guard your heart and mind (v.7) and the God of peace will be with you (v.9). Your thoughts are surrounded by the bookends of peace!
“Thou wilt keep her in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee: because she trusteth in Thee.” Isaiah 26:3

Coincidence or Confirmation ??

As many of you know, I have been working with my son’s high school chapel program for the past few weeks. The students have chosen the topic of my book-to-be as their theme for the current chapel series. I was the speaker for the introduction chapel, and each week since, a special speaker has provided a special unique message about our identity in Christ. So far, they have examined what it means to be a soldier, clay, an ambassador, a servant.

This week the speaker was a gifted basketball player [he ran the entire NYC marathon while dribbling a basketball!] named Gian Paul Gonzales, who spoke on being an athlete for Christ. He shared a powerful message about the discipline, perseverance, focus and training required of athletes, and compared it to our walk with the Lord. He also introduced his ministry “Truth or Die” ( www.truthordie.org. ) I encourage you all to check it out and support it as the Lord leads. I believe that this ministry will have a powerful effect on the youth of our country.

After chapel was over, I had a wonderful conversation with Gian Paul – the kind where you intend to encourage the other person and he ends up encouraging you! And as we were about to leave, he asked to pray with me. It was one of those prayer times that you could physically sense the presence of God inhabiting the spoken words. And a crazy “coincidence” occurred:

During his prayer, Gian Paul quoted two Scripture verses – one was the portion of Scripture that just so happens to be the closing chapter of my book – the final “i am” – “Here I am . . . send me!” spoken by the prophet Isaiah. The other was Psalm 91:1 “Those who dwell in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” This verse just so happens to be on my business cards and psalm911 is my personal email address! He had no way of knowing how significant those particular verses are to me. There are a million other appropriate verses, so you can imagine my surprise to hear him pray those particular verses.

I believe that God used this man to confirm once again to me that He has plans for this message, and I better get moving! I have the heart of the message to share, and I have lots of researched material (although I still could use more), but I am not confident in my writing skills and often sit at my computer thinking “what should I do now?” The more I learn about how to write and about the publishing industry, the more I realize how much more I need to learn! So would you pray for me? And for this project? My prayer is that people would be encouraged and equipped to walk strong for God, and in so doing would fulfill the calling that God has placed on their lives. I can’t thank you enough for your prayers and support!!

“Cuts” by Guest Blogger Lauren

Today, we have a special guest blogger.
Many thanks to my daughter, Lauren,
beautiful on the inside and outside.

Last week, I danced in our Good Friday service. I love dancing and I use this gift God has given me in order to serve him and to worship him. However, this time I got hurt during the dance. I didn’t pull a muscle or twist my ankle. It was a small little floor burn on the top of my foot. I’m a dance major at college so I’m used to getting them but for some reason this one hurt really bad. It made me think… How could a tiny little cut hurt so badly when the rest of my body was perfectly healthy? Everything else in my whole body was fine but this cut was driving me nuts. I couldn’t touch it, wanted to fix it, it stings and couldn’t take my mind off it.

Isn’t it interesting how this tiny little cut is exactly like disappointments, heartbreak and problems in our life that seem like they shouldn’t matter, but they matter the most to us? In comparison to natural disasters, being diagnosed with cancer, losing a job, or losing someone you love, the “small” things in our personal life that we deal with don’t seem to match up. A floor burn doesn’t match up to a pulled muscle or twisted ankle, but it still hurts. Sometimes I feel guilty dwelling and praying fervently on matters in my personal life because I know there are people going through much harder issues. How could this tiny little cut in our life hurt so badly when the rest of our life is looking good?

Guess what, the heartache I’m facing right now is exactly like my cut. I can’t touch it, want to fix it, it stings and can’t take my mind off it. Cuts don’t go away quickly, and if we don’t take care of it, it can get infected and then our little cut turns into a big problem. So how can we prevent more damage from the cuts in our life? The Bible and prayer can be used like Neosporin. It removes bacteria like it removes our fears, and quickens the healing process. Christian family and friends can be used like a band-aid. They can’t remove the pain but they can cover it and prevent more irritation. Although these things can help, the pain doesn’t go away quickly, it still takes time.

The little cuts do matter.
P.S.- here is a clip from the “Lead Me to the Cross” dance: