Speaking Engagements
“For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you— that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.” Rom. 1:11-12
My mom still shakes her head in wonder that I am what she calls “a public speaker.” Since childhood, I was always filled with fears, the most shy person in the room, even getting physically ill on oral test day!
All grown up, I was perfectly content to remain behind the scenes, but God had other plans. He’s given me a teacher’s heart, and nothing gratifies me more than connecting with women on a heart level, allowing God to use me to bring encouragement and an eternal perspective.
In addition to the topics below, I love to work with event planners to develop a message that is custom tailored to the theme of your event. Events can be of any size including retreats, ladies teas, MOPS, seasonal, etc.
Contact Susan About a Speaking Engagement
Sample Topics:
i know You are, but what am i?
People everywhere are struggling with questions of identity and purpose, asking the question “Who Am I?” Our true identity is based upon who God says we are. We are fearfully and wonderfully made with a God-ordained purpose, and yet we are just a vapor, a microscopic part of God’s eternal plan. As we explore the names that God applies to us, names like friend, child, bride, sheep, soldier, runner, instrument, and more, we will be encouraged and strengthened to live, love and serve with fullness and purpose.
Step Out Of Your Boat, Get Closer To Jesus
Based on Peter’s walk on the water in Matthew 14, this message speaks valuable life lessons about stepping out in faith. Using personal testimony and biblical truths, this life-changing message provides encouragement and strength to face any storm.
Fear is a Four Letter Word
True peace is not the absence of conflict or tribulation; it is the presence of God in the midst of the storm. Fear, worry, anxiety contribute to rob us of the peace that God desires for us to possess. Using compelling illustrations, Susan will provide tips to change thought patterns to achieve lasting peace.
Homeward Bound
The writer to the Hebrews reminds us that our life here on earth is temporary. What matters – and all that satisfies – is what will last forever. So our challenge is to live in this fallen, hurting world with our eyes on the prize and hold fast to the glorious expectation of our true, heavenly home. Through the wisdom in Hebrews, Susan provides encouragement and valuable strategies on how to do just that and bring an eternal perspective to earthly matters. “For this world is not our permanent home; we are looking forward to a home yet to come.” Heb. 13:14
I Was a Jewish Tax Collector
Susan’s personal testimony. Based on Isaiah 43:1-5a, this message encourages anyone who struggles with feeling loved, even by herself. This is the antidote to fear, comfort for those who feel alone or unappreciated, and gives hope in times of struggle. The powerful and personal illustrations in this message will linger in hearts and minds long after the event.
End Injustice For All
A co-founder and Executive Director of Justice Network, I am passionate about raising awareness of human trafficking (modern day slavery) and providing ways to make a difference locally and globally to rid the planet of this heinous crime. Edmund Burke said, “Nobody makes a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little.” If we each do a little, a lot will be accomplished. This message provides both education on the topic and resources on ways to make a difference.
Special Events:
Christmas – Blessed or Stressed
Are your “holidays” frenzied or focused? Using Mary and Martha as models, we will learn effective strategies to sit at the Master’s feet and still accomplish all that needs to be done during this busy time. May you have a Mary Little Christmas this year.
Christmas Cast of Characters
The people and places God used to usher in the birth of His Son are a fascinating part of Scripture that we often gloss over because they are so familiar to us. This study digs deeper into the characters and provides real meaning, purpose, and personal application for this special time of year.
Recipe for Rejoicing
We will explore ingredients for a life that is pleasing to God and satisfying to us. When we prepare a new recipe, we have an image of what the finished dish should be like. Likewise, God knows ahead of time what the finished work of our lives will be, and He orchestrates perfectly to that end. Following His recipe, we will investigate His appropriate ingredients and utensils that are best for the final presentation. This can be combined with a recipe exchange event.
Holding Hands with God
Imagine that you are a child holding the hand of your Heavenly Father. His hand is covering yours, and you feel His protection and His power. The beautiful relationship of Father and daughter is explored through the illustration of walking through life hand in hand.
Temper Your Temperament
Founded on the principles of several best-selling authors, this presentation is a fun-filled opportunity to discover your individual personality style, maximize your strengths and minimize your weaknesses. Each participant receives a personality inventory assessment.