Splendor in the Ordinary

Last night, some friends and I attended a minor league baseball game.

Parking Fee: $2.00
Entrance Fee: $7.00
Piece of Americana: Priceless

It was so much fun watching and participating in this all-American sport – being at this small venue, rooting for the home team, eating hot dogs (my son, not me!), seeing the local advertisers. And after the game – a terrific fireworks display.
I noticed that during the fireworks, the ground crew was busy on the field, in the dark, cleaning up the infield, going about their business, paying no attention whatsoever to the splendor above them.
And I wondered…
How often do I go about my business, running errands, cleaning up my home, and fail to notice the spendor all around me?
How often do I miss the plants, green all summer, that burst into bloom now in the fall? The photos of my loved ones on the windowsill that might need dusting, but really need a prayer today? The sun behind the clouds providing warmth and light? The stars and moon illuminating the night sky like jewels on velvet?
How often to I take for granted my abilities just to do my ordinary tasks? To be thankful for limbs that work, eyes that see, ears that hear? To appreciate my voice that can’t sing a note on key, but can be heard by my children, sharing words of encouragement? To be grateful for the heart that pumps without my notice, the lungs that breathe in comingled air – take in needed oxygen – and expel the rest, the tiny circulating white blood cell soldiers combating infection, all without my notice?
How often do I grumble rather than thank my Provider for my home that needs work? my clutter that represents memories of sweet days gone by? my other clutter demanding my attention which, in time, I am able to provide?
Do I resent the intrusion of cell phones that keeps my kids fingers texting at the dinner table or do I thank the Lord for technology that allows me to keep in touch with them in their language while they are away at college? that even took the picture above capturing my moment of inspiration?
Sharing this with my husband, he said, “The crew sees the fireworks every night. They just wanna go home.” And that is true enough. But there is splendor in our every day experiences that we miss because they become ordinary to us.

Today, I encourage you to take notice of God’s presence in the ordinary. Your day will not be the same!

Be thankful in all circumstances,
for this is God’s will for you
who belong to Christ Jesus.
1 Thess.5:18


4 thoughts on “Splendor in the Ordinary

  1. Susan,

    I am really inspired by your writing & have shared some of it with my bible study. Thanks to you, they intend to provoke me (LOL). I was provoked several months ago as we have been studying the book of Revelation. In the letter to the church in Sardus, Rev 3:2-3, the message is "Wake up! Strengthen what little remains, for even what is left is almost dead. I find that your actions do not meet the requiremments of my God. Go back to what you heard and believed at first; hold to it firmly. Repent and turn to me again. If you don't wake up, I will come to you suddenly, as unexpected as a thief." New Living translation.

    I don't think I ever turned from God but did need a wake up call to spread His Word, pray more often and to remember to use the spiritual gifts He blessed me with.

  2. Hi Susan –

    Wonderful post! When my husband got sick a few years ago, we learned very quickly to appreciate a "normal" day. Being able to take a drive meant he had no doctor appointment and felt well enough to do so.

    I've been working indoors all day, and realized I haven't been out in the sunshine. It's time to stop and appreciate the summer before it's gone.

    Susan 🙂

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