Happy Birthday, Tony!

Today’s my hubby’s birthday, and I’m glad to take this opportunity to let you know a little about him and to wish him the best day ever. Tony’s a great dad, husband, son, brother, nephew, cousin, and friend – devoted to his family, his patients and his ministry, and of course, the Lord.

He is extremely gifted at many things, and so keeps very busy. He’s a great musician and chiropractor, and so handy, my mom bought him a t-shirt that reads “Mr. Fixit”. Since he really can fix just about anything, we rarely hire someone to do the job. Of course, he’s so busy that he can’t always get to it, so we blissfully live in a constant state of disrepair. 

He lends his wisdom to the leadership of the church and the state chiropractic organizations, who have honored him with several awards, although most of his work is done quietly without any reward or recognition except for the select few who work alongside him.

He’s very supportive of this new path that God has led me down in the past year, one more thing for which I am so thankful.

So, hon, happy birthday, and may this year be filled with music, fishing, pancakes and tons of fun!

All my love,

12 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, Tony!

  1. What a sweet tribute! Happy birthday to your husband! Neat to find out that he's a chiropractor -we couldn't make it without ours. Wish you lived closer, we bought a new stove and need a gas line re-worked!! Hooray for handy men! God bless!

  2. Good morning susan,
    Please extend to him my well wishes on his Birthday. He is a valued friend who's loved.

  3. See that Susan? I knew there was a "connection" somewhere with our personalities! We are both March babies! My birthday is tomorrow! LOL!

    Please tell your husband I said Happy Birthday!

    Love and blessings,



  4. Happy Birthday to my Dr. Tony, my wonderful friend Tony and my brother in the Lord, great picture, what a hunk!!! You know the saying your not getting older your getting better,well thats your husband!! and we love him! Nancy and Tom

  5. I just had to leave a comment on this one. Tony is, indeed, a precious person! To a gifted worship leader, a great chiropractor and my good friend — I wish many blessings on his birthday and every day!

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