Starting Over!


When  my mother-in-law was interviewed in our wedding video, her first words were, “We waited a looong time for this!” Since then, my husband and I have jokingly said that phrase thousands of times. And I’m about to say it today. I just wish you could hear it in my mother-in-law’s Jersey Italian accent.

I’ve waited a looong time for this!

For what, you ask?

For my broken blog to be fixed.

It’s been a year and a half, and I’m finally back – hoping to share a bit of encouragement to your day. Equal parts of procrastination and lack of technical skills led to months of silence on my part, at least in the virtual world.

But New Year’s is a great time to start fresh, and I’m so thankful to my friend Kim, the website wizard, for bringing my little piece of the web back to life.

Oswald Chambers so wisely said,

“Leave the broken, irreversible past in His hands and step out into the invincible future with Him.” 

I hope and pray that you will join me in an invincible future with Him, that you will allow Him to take your broken parts and fill them with His ever-loving presence, mending you and making you whole and wholly His.

I will be posting on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month. Because of a new email subscription service, to receive future blogposts, you must re-subscribe on the blog page of my newly fixed website. Simply:

Looking forward to our journey together in 2021 and beyond!


Wise Words For These UNwise Times



I don’t know about you, but it seems to me that today there are many squawkers, complaining about our land, how far it’s come from our founding fathers, etc.

But does God call us to complain or to humbly pray for our leaders, the media, educators, etc., and seek God’s face in the middle of the turmoil?

We do need godly people – in political office, casting votes, on the school boards, writing letters to editors, speaking up for the unborn and the downtrodden, being salt and light. ABSOLUTELY!

But we don’t need good people to do things in a bad way – to militantly declare their positions without humility or prayer or seeking God’s face or turning from their own wicked ways.

It seems that people are more interested in OTHERS turning from their wicked ways then themselves doing any turning.

As the body of Christ living in decidedly ungodly times, we are in a position to be Jesus to the world. We must take our behavioral cues from the One who set the standard to follow.

As a 24 year old Jewish girl, I became a believer in Jesus Christ because of His words in the Sermon on the Mount. When I questioned God about His command to love our enemies, He answered with His own words – “if you only love those who love you, even the (sinners) do that.” The difference between His followers and everyone else He created (yes, He created your enemies!) is that His followers speak the truth IN LOVE, they seek to LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY, they desire to LOVE and SERVE THE LEAST OF THESE.

Can we view these turbulent times as opportunities to personally develop in Christ-likeness? And to outwardly show the world the love of Christ – He who came to save THEM?

After Jesus told His disciples to love their enemies, He told them to “be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” But how can we be perfect? James, the brother of Jesus, tells us it is through our trials and challenges that we develop perseverance which, in turn, does its work making us mature, complete, perfect (James 1:2). In other words, trials and challenges are opportunities, and as JB Phillips says in his translation, “Welcome your trials as friends.”

Before we stridently say, “I believe her” or “I believe him,” can we say “I believe Him!” and act accordingly?

 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Matt. 5:43-48


On Purpose for 2016!

For the past few years, I’ve been part of a growing trend – to select one word for the year, rather than set a bunch of resolutions likely doomed to failure.

The one word concept works for me. Throughout the year, my word often serves as a little bird that flutters in my brain at the point of decision making, keeping me on track. Sometimes it serves as a sit-down-and-contemplate-for-a- while-experience. Previous one-words for me include: Now, Faithfulness, Obey.

Those previous one-words were chosen after meditation and consideration, but this year, the word came to me like a bullet. I heard it in a moment and grabbed it for the year with an assurance that this word would serve me well.

My word for 2016 is Purpose. Or more specifically: Purposed.

As in “But Daniel purposed in his heart…” Dan. 1:8

Fifteen times, the word “purposed” appears in Scripture. In all but four verses, the word refers to God purposing to do something. Only Daniel, David, and Paul were people that purposed to do something. One purposed in his spirit (Paul), one in his heart (Daniel), and one in his mouth (David).


The Dictionary tells us that purpose can be a noun or a verb:

Purpose 2016


Purpose is what motivates us in life, what moves us forward. Without a purpose, we’re left to wander and to wonder why we’re doing anything, why we’re even here. But God created each of us with a purpose. And by discovering our purpose and working all we do within that purpose, we can accomplish God’s purposes and experience fulfillment in life.

So this year, I am purposing in my heart, spirit, and mouth to walk and talk in God’s purposes for me.

At each point of life’s decisions, whether  large or small, the little word “purpose” flutters across my brain and begs me to ask the question, “Is this opportunity within God’s purpose for me?” If not, I have the freedom to gracefully decline without feeling guilty. If yes, I experience the confidence to move forward boldly.

God’s purposes aren’t always plans or definitive actions. His purposes include growing in the fruits of the Spirit, developing Christ-likeness, resting in His presence.

Ultimately, for me, my purpose is to bring an eternal perspective to everything here on earth. There is an overarching purpose for each of our lives, and the daily circumstances and roles we play are small ingredients in much larger divine recipe.

Do you have a word for the year? What is it? And why?





For more on the “One Word” perspective, check out One Word 365.

On Being A Jewish Tax Collector and Meeting Jesus At The Beach

I grew up in a Jewish home, a mosh-pit of damaged emotions….

After college, I worked for the U.S. Customs Service in the World Trade Center in New York City. My job was the appraisement and classification of imported merchandise, determining the amount of tariffs and duties that importers would pay the government. I advanced quickly through the ranks and had friends with whom I socialized after work.

On the outside, life seemed good. Inside, the questions and insecurities kept growing. As Charles Dickens said, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”

In the summer of 1979, I rented a house in the Hamptons, Long Island, with three girlfriends. Just a converted two-room garage, it was home to us. Despite many rainy weekends, we had a blast. We’d arrive late on Friday night, drink and dance in the bars all night, then sleep on the beach the next day.

Please visit me at Circles of Faith for my testimony about how I came to Jesus.

My Interview

One of the best things about blogging is the friends and fellowship in the blogging community. Today I was interviewed by gifted writer, Marja Meijers, over at her blog Fresh Insights On Ancient Truths. Please stop by there and leave a comment. I’d love to “chat” with you.

Marja’s newest book Breath of Life is available here.


What’s It All About?

The question is one that has been asked for ages. What’s it all about?

Back in college, my husband and his friends were published in the school newspaper with one of the two winning answers to the reporter’s question, “What’s it all about?”
My husband’s group’s response: “Alfie-ness”
Some of you may be old enough to remember the inspiration for their answer – the theme song “What’s It All About, Alfie?” from the movie “Alfie”. 

Alfie was all about himself, his desires.

Driving past this store last month, I just had to stop to take these pictures.
“It’s All About Me!”
Deeming that this sign sums up so much of our culture today, I looked down my sanctimonious nose at the owners of this store. Until it dawned on me that I’m as guilty as anyone of living in my “all about me” universe.
Recently, I had a few situations where due to MY actions or suggestions, something positive happened. Yet afterward, when the story was retold, MY contribution (which made it all happen, people!!) was omitted. Uh, hello???? Remember me? The suggestor? My inital annoyance eventually receded as I slowly realized that the main thing was the positive result itself, not MY contribution to it. It is not about ME.
Last summer at a writers’ conference, a lovely new friend, Lisa, at my dinner table described her book project. She could have been reading MY notes aloud. After picking my jaw off the table, we started to share our vision for our similar projects. By the time dessert ended, we grasped that our projects were not ours at all. They were God’s words, His work, His vision. We prayed together and accepted that whether it was her book or mine that was published, the main thing was that His word would be shared, that women would be encouraged, that the message would be delivered. What did not matter was WHO was the deliverer of that message. Our calling was to be obedient to the heavenly vision, and to allow God to take care of the rest. It is not about ME.
The summer before that, I saw Alan and Denise Jackson on the Today show. Not much of a fan of country music, I had no idea of his music or their story. High school sweethearts, Denise’s life was dedicated to her husband and his growing career. The years sped by, and eventually, Denise lost herself in Alan’s world. Her life was “all about him.” Eventually, she rededicated her life to God and wrote a book titled “It’s All About HIM.” Her life no longer about “him” (Alan) anymore, but about “Him” (Jesus, her Lord and Savior).
Alan wrote a song to go with Denise’s book. Here’s part of the lyrics:

it’s all about Him
and the love that He gives
redemption and hope
for all who have sinned
you can walk all alone, never find your way home
till you see deep within
it’s all about Him

its not about ego
or things you can hold
its not about power, or silver, or gold
not who’s at your table
or where you lay down
it’s not about spreading your wings on the ground
so look in the mirror
and look at your life
it may seem perfect, but just don’t feel right
lay down your fences, and let the love in
right there beside you,
it’s all about Him
What was the other winning answer back in my hubby’s college days?
It came from a rare Christian on that campus, “It’s all about Jesus.”
It’s not about Alfie.
It’s not about me.
It’s not about him (or her).
For generations past, present and future, it’s all about Jesus.
What’s it all about for you?