The Multiplication Factor

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I’m an accidental abolitionist. At this point in my empty-nester life, I thought I’d be winding down from work and from ministry, but I find myself busier than ever. What began as a passing interest has multiplied into a ministry that has had a global reach.

I’m not quite sure how it happened or exactly when it started. More like snippets of awareness than a thunderbolt awakening. Then one day, in response to a friend’s facebook post on the slavery issue, I reached out.  It was a small act that would quickly reap big consequences. I discovered that one little step in faith is the beginning of a journey where God provides the increase.

I contacted the friend who wrote the facebook post. The two of us met, and decided on a course of action – to show a movie about human trafficking. We both thought that that would be both the beginning and the end of it. But God had other plans.

In the days that followed, I casually mentioned my new endeavor to selected friends and family. With each discussion, my boldness and excitement grew because each person in one way or another said almost the same thing – “I was looking for a way to get involved in this, but didn’t know what to do.” Just like me!

In less than two months, our group grew from two to twenty-two! Within this diverse group, we had people of different ages and from all walks of life and occupations. I began to fancifully imagine what Noah must have felt like when the animals came to him without his having to seek them out, knock on their doors, persuade them of the importance of coming on board.

We gave our group a name –Justice Network, developed a website, a mission statement, and a plan of action. Not long after the movie, we created a social media campaign for the NJ Coalition Against Human Trafficking, using the NJ Super Bowl to raise awareness about human trafficking. This campaign, called the #HTChallenge, had a global reach of over 6 million, and it continues to grow. God took our offering and multiplied beyond anything we imagined. (Eph. 3:20)

2000 years ago, when a huge, hungry crowd waited to hear Jesus speak, He fed them all by taking a young boy’s lunch, giving thanks, and multiplying two fish and five loaves. I find it interesting that afterwards, the disciples picked up twelve baskets of broken leftovers, one basket for each disciple to hold in his hands – a physical manifestation of the great miracle of multiplication.

Just like the young boy who offered his fish and loaves, God will multiply that which is freely surrendered for the benefit of others.

To be honest, not all the original members of our group are still involved. Some went on to other pursuits, and we’ve had new people join. I tend to get discouraged when I see numbers dwindling or it seems that people aren’t actively engaged. And God reminds me that long before the animals miraculously came to him, Noah spent many years, tirelessly working, preparing for rain, obeying everything God commanded him. (Gen. 6:22)

I believe that God allowed our ministry to multiply as it did as a testimony of what He can do with what is surrendered to Him. And remembering what He has done encourages me to keep stepping forward in faith.

October marked our 4 year anniversary. We continue to meet monthly and have witnessed God repeatedly multiply what we offer Him. This month, we are hosting our annual Justice Rocks. For more information about human trafficking and what you can do in the fight against it, please visit our website



JR3 NEW flyer


Rock With A View

Yesterday, my husband, kids, in-laws, and I went hiking at one of our favorite places on earth, Mohonk Mountain House in the NY Catskills. It’s one of those places that you really have to see to believe, a pristine lake atop a mountain surrounded by scenic vistas, rock climbs, and miles of hiking trails.



Tony, Bill and the ‘kids’ hiked the difficult path through the Labyrinth, Lemon Squeeze and the Crevice to reach Sky Top.

My sister-in-law, Cathy, and I took the easier walking trail to the summit leaving us time to rest a bit along the cliff edge. We were, as always, enthralled with the view, especially when we saw a hawk below and realized we’d never seen a hawk in flight from above before.

Up on a pinnacle, we were given a tiny glimpse of what God sees all the time. From our normal vantage point, all we can see is the hawk’s underbelly. Our point of view is so limited, but God’s view from above is all-encompassing.

When we struggle to understand, it’s because we can only see what’s right around us. We are unable to see the bigger picture. When the ark finally rested on the mountains at Ararat, water still surrounded Noah and his loved ones. It was months before the water subsided and the mountaintops were visible, and weeks after that when Noah first sent out a raven, then a dove, to see if the water had receeded. Even after the dove returned with olive leaf proof, Noah waited. Even after he saw the dry surface of the ground with his own eyes, he waited. A month later, not just the surface, but the whole earth was dry, yet Noah waited. He waited to leave the ark until he heard from God.

When Tony & crew scrambled through the crevice, they couldn’t see the summit. At times, they couldn’t see where to take the next step. But they had a trail map to guide them. When we are ark-bound, unable to see beyond our immediate circumstances, it may seem that there is no hope, no sure footing to stand on. But with His Word as our guide, God’s promises are as sure a foundation as there is.

The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge; My shield and the horn of my 20160619_181912salvation, my stronghold. Ps. 18:2.

Mohonk’s gift shop sells a book, “A Rock With A View.” Surely, our Lord Himself is a Rock with a view.




20160619_145815 - 7 of us
The hikers


Skytop Tower


View from the top of Skytop Tower


Mountain laurel


Happy Father's Day, Pops!
Happy Father’s Day, Pops!

On Purpose for 2016!

For the past few years, I’ve been part of a growing trend – to select one word for the year, rather than set a bunch of resolutions likely doomed to failure.

The one word concept works for me. Throughout the year, my word often serves as a little bird that flutters in my brain at the point of decision making, keeping me on track. Sometimes it serves as a sit-down-and-contemplate-for-a- while-experience. Previous one-words for me include: Now, Faithfulness, Obey.

Those previous one-words were chosen after meditation and consideration, but this year, the word came to me like a bullet. I heard it in a moment and grabbed it for the year with an assurance that this word would serve me well.

My word for 2016 is Purpose. Or more specifically: Purposed.

As in “But Daniel purposed in his heart…” Dan. 1:8

Fifteen times, the word “purposed” appears in Scripture. In all but four verses, the word refers to God purposing to do something. Only Daniel, David, and Paul were people that purposed to do something. One purposed in his spirit (Paul), one in his heart (Daniel), and one in his mouth (David).


The Dictionary tells us that purpose can be a noun or a verb:

Purpose 2016


Purpose is what motivates us in life, what moves us forward. Without a purpose, we’re left to wander and to wonder why we’re doing anything, why we’re even here. But God created each of us with a purpose. And by discovering our purpose and working all we do within that purpose, we can accomplish God’s purposes and experience fulfillment in life.

So this year, I am purposing in my heart, spirit, and mouth to walk and talk in God’s purposes for me.

At each point of life’s decisions, whether  large or small, the little word “purpose” flutters across my brain and begs me to ask the question, “Is this opportunity within God’s purpose for me?” If not, I have the freedom to gracefully decline without feeling guilty. If yes, I experience the confidence to move forward boldly.

God’s purposes aren’t always plans or definitive actions. His purposes include growing in the fruits of the Spirit, developing Christ-likeness, resting in His presence.

Ultimately, for me, my purpose is to bring an eternal perspective to everything here on earth. There is an overarching purpose for each of our lives, and the daily circumstances and roles we play are small ingredients in much larger divine recipe.

Do you have a word for the year? What is it? And why?





For more on the “One Word” perspective, check out One Word 365.

Lessons From The Storm

Matthew 14 opens with the horrific, senseless beheading of Jesus’s cousin, John the Baptist. In His grief, Jesus sought solitude and set out by boat to a remote, desolate place. But crowds of people, over 5000 men plus women and children followed Him along the shore. When Jesus landed at His destination, rather than criticize those who invaded His space, He had compassion on them. He saw their hunger and miraculously fed them multiplying a young boy’s lunch.
After this miracle, Jesus sent the disciples out in His boat while He went up the mountain to finally spend alone time with His Father. A furious storm arose, and the disciples struggled for hours until Jesus walked out to them on the water. Thinking He was a ghost, they were terrified, but Jesus encouraged them. Peter stepping out of the relative safety of the boat walked on the water toward Jesus, but seeing the wind, his faith faltered and he began to sink. Three words, “Lord, save me!” brought Peter into Jesus’s grip and back in the safety of the boat. And they marveled and worshipped Jesus.
Can this familiar story speak to us today? As I read and ponder this chapter, God has been revealing more and more to me. This Top Ten list barely scratches the surface:

10. Even after grief, miracles remain possible.

Jesus was filled with grief, but His compassion produced miracles.  If you have suffered grief, there is still hope. Jesus is in the miracle business.

9. Jesus, full of compassion, always has time for you.

He didn’t reject the 5000. He won’t reject you. He cares for you. He feeds, nourishes, and satisfies you.

8. When it seems there isn’t enough, there is.

He is the great multiplier. He is the bread – Broken for us, Given over & over. Whatever we’re lacking He’ll supply – at the right time.

7. Jesus sought solitude and time alone with the Father; shouldn’t we?

Spending time with God in prayer nurtures vital relationship with Him and equips us to meet life’s challenges.

6. Even if it seems He is absent, He isn’t.

The Lord neither slumbers nor sleeps. He was watching the disciples from up above ~ just like He watches us today. Why didn’t they recognize Him? They weren’t looking for Him. They jumped to the false conclusion that His appearance was that of a ghost. Fear and faith cannot live in the same heart, for fear frequently blinds the eyes to the presence of the Lord.

5. Contrary winds, though hard to face, develop character and add to the joy of reaching the harbor.      

There is a purpose in the pain. Paul tells us that our “light momentary affliction is producing an eternal weight of glory beyond comparison.” 2 Cor. 4:17 Contrary winds give us opportunities to get out of the boat and walk – 1 Peter 2:20-21.

4. What seems to be the end is only a new beginning.

The disciples thought Jesus was a ghost/spirit, but in fact, He was their salvation. At the crucial moment when all seemed lost, Peter cried out: ‘Lord, rescue me!’ The simplest of prayers, and one which Jesus loves to answer.   

3. When faith falters, it is not failure. 

We can start out with good intentions, but falter. If we reach out to Christ, we actually grow our faith. “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” Henry Ford

      2. Little faith in the right thing is far more important than huge faith in the wrong things.

 “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed,  you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matt. 17:20

1. Peace is not the absence of storms but the presence of God.

Jack Dawson’s painting, “Peace In The Midst Of The Storm” depicts a turbulent sea and a tiny bird happily building its nest in the shelter, security and safety of a rock, unfazed by the storm around it. No matter how stormy your seas, peace is in the shelter of the Rock.

I’ll be addressing each of these, plus several more, in the weeks to come. To watch videos on this topic, visit:


How Can We Know God’s Will?

The question of the day – most every day – for those who desire to follow God. How can I know God’s will?  Choices are not always crystal clear no matter how strong our desire to follow God’s plan. The Apostle Paul provides a clue in two of the choices he made.  
In Acts 16, Paul planned to go east to Asia but “the Holy Spirit told them not to go into the province of Asia at that time.” So he and his companions “headed for the province of Bithynia” (in the north), “but again the Spirit of Jesus did not let them go.” Then that night, Paul had a vision of a man in Macedonia in Greece (due west), “pleading with him, ‘Come over here and help us.’ So we decided to leave for Macedonia at once, for we could only conclude that God was calling us to preach the Good News there.”
Making those choices eventually landed Paul and Silas in jail where they sang worship songs and prayed, survived an earthquake, led the jailer and his family to faith in Jesus, and founded the church at Philippi and others on their second missionary journey.  
Later, on his third journey, Paul planned to go to Rome. He was arrested and appeared before the Roman rulers and would have been set free except for his appeal to go to Rome. After several years, he finally set sail, still a prisoner in chains. A storm arose so fierce that the sailors were terrified, but Paul the prisoner reassured them, “But take courage! None of you will lose your lives, even though the ship will go down. For last night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve stood beside me, and he said, ‘Don’t be afraid, Paul, for you will surely stand trial before Caesar! What’s more, God in his goodness has granted safety to everyone sailing with you.’ So take courage! For I believe God. It will be just as he said. But we will be shipwrecked on an island.”
After the shipwreck, Paul was on the island of Malta where he was bitten by a deadly snake which he shook off into the fire. So deadly was this snake, when he didn’t die, the islanders thought he was a god.
On his second journey, Paul did an about-face twice changing the directions of his travels, but on his third journey, he was resolute to reach his destination of Rome despite storm, shipwreck, snakebite and being a prisoner.
So here’s the question – how did he know? How did Paul know to give up his plans for Asia and Bithynia, while never giving up on Rome despite serious setbacks?
What would I do?
Would I have been willing to quickly abandon my plans because a dream indicated to go another way or would I stubbornly set my jaw and press on against God’s will for what I think I want?
Would I be resolute to journey forth despite storm and hardship or would I give up under the strain thinking something so difficult couldn’t be of God?
Honestly, I can’t say.
What I can conclude is this. Paul didn’t make these decisions according to the emotions he felt on any given day.
He didn’t make a list of pros and cons reasoning out the best plan to follow.
He based his decisions on a lifelong sensitivity to God’s leading.
In prison, he worshipped and prayed. He didn’t decide to develop a prayer life when hardship hit. This godly behavior in tough times came from a life of prayer and worship in the ordinary times.
Want to know God’s will in the difficult times? Get to know His will each day, whether there are big decisions to make or not. Spending time with Him in prayer and praise will increase sensitivity to the Spirit’s leading.  There’s simply no shortcut or substitute.

Give thanks in all circumstances;  for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thess. 5:12 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is His good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2

Do you struggle to know God’s will sometimes? How can I best pray for you beloved? .

Something That Matters – Part One

This afternoon, my daughter takes off for Hillsong International Leadership College in Sydney, Australia. One giant step closer to realizing her dream.

It seems like yesterday but 20 years ago, Lauren took her first dance lesson starting a lifelong love of dance and all things “arts”. Middle school spirit team introduced her to worship dance.

In high school, she started teaching others what she had learned. Mission trips expanded her understanding of the world and increased her compassion for those in need.

This month, she graduated college earning two degrees – a BFA in dance performance and a BA in dance education. And now she’s off to study Leadership in Dance Ministry at Hillsong in Sydney.

Why study more?
Why so far away?
Everyone asks these things [especially her dad wondering why she wants to go to the other side of the world for a year – and possibly meet some nice young Aussie gentleman – horrors!]

She smiles when she responds. Actually she more than smiles. She glows.

She has a dream, has had it for years. It sprung up from seeds planted and has grown and developed in unimaginable ways.

Her mission trips have taken her to remote undeveloped areas of the world. And she wondered what she can bring these people whose basic needs of water and food are barely met. Don’t you need to feed them before you can share the gospel? Yes. But she discovered something else. Through her dance and the arts, she was able to communicate love, and everyone needs love. Dance and art transcend language barriers. They connect different cultures.

Here is Lauren last year teaching preschoolers in northern Uganda, a region slowly healing after the world’s longest civil war: 

Lauren’s dream, in a nutshell, is creating an Arts Center – a place for students to hang out, learn dance, art, acting, all varied ways of expression. But there’s more…

In 2006, a young man named Blake Mycoskie founded a shoe company with a new premise: “With every pair you purchase, TOMS will give a pair of new shoes to a child in need. One for one.” Blake traveled to Argentina, saw the disease and the dire need for shoes for the children there, and founded a company that would provide a quality product and also meet that need.

Lauren wants a “One for one” program for her future Arts Center with a “sister school” in Africa. Every student here will support a student in Africa. Lauren has the vision. Her studies this year will provide the leadership training she’ll need to bring it to fruition.

Our family asks for your prayers as Lauren takes this next step of her life journey. You can follow her throughout at the year at:

I’m traveling to Australia with Lauren, spending a few days helping her get established.

My next post is a review of Blake Mycoskie’s book Start Something That Matters. As part of the review, I will be giving away 2 copies. It tells the story of TOMS shoes and inspires us all to purse something that matters. Keep tuned!!

Clogged ?

Last month, I had unintentionally withdrawn from writing and serving, sensing overcommittment and burnout. While in my self-imposed exile, I read about the Dead Sea, specifically that it is “dead” because the water doesn’t flow out.
.God calls us to be rivers, not lakes; conduits of the blessings He has showered on us, not reservoirs. This winter, the drainpipe at our home was stopped up, frozen and immovable with the water that was made to flow freely through it. It wasn’t serving its purpose to receive from above and channel the water to the soil below.


And neither are we if we receive the gifts that God has given us and keep them to ourselves. The Bible says that the gifts we are given are for the “common good1,” that is – they are given to us to share with others. If I am given a gift for teaching, what good is it if I keep it to myself? What about gifts of hospitality, mercy, leadership, giving, wisdom, faith, healing? We are told to “eagerly desire the gifts2” but what is the benefit of hoarding such gifts?
There is no doubt that in this fast-paced, hyperactive society we live in that there is real danger of overcommittment. But the answer is not to withdraw completely. It is to achieve balance. If we’re stopped up, we can become stagnant, like the Dead Sea. Better to allow the Living Water from above flow freely to us and through us.
A well-known phrase in chiropractic circles is ADIO – meaning that healing comes from “Above Down Inside Out.” It’s a perfect metaphor for how we should live our lives. We can’t be truly successful on the outside unless we are filled and flowing on the inside having received from above.
Throughout Scripture, drink offerings were “poured out” to the Lord, and it is well-known that in his final letter, Paul referred to himself as being “poured out like a drink offering.3” But before that, in his letter to the Philippians, he made the same reference “even if I am being poured out like a drink offering …, I am glad and rejoice with all of you.4” This time, it was part of his message that God is at work in us5, and we ought to do everything without grumbling and complaining that we might be blameless and pure, shining like stars in the sky6. Wow, I wanna shine like the stars. How about you?
Right now, I’m feeling a bit like the “little teapot” of song; Lord – tip me over and pour me out – that I might be filled again and again, and poured out again and again.

1- 1 Cor. 12:7
2- 1 Cor. 12:31
3-  2 Tim. 4:6
4- Phil. 2:17
5- Phil 2:13
6- Phil 2:14-15


A Storm In Little Valley

My sweet friend, Lynn Mosher from Heading Home, wrote this beautiful post and has allowed me to share it with you. Enjoy!

Little Valley lived among the verdant hills that stood tall and proud. Each tree, each flower on the hills stretched out in service for its created purpose. A true testament to their Creator.

Although delicate wildflowers and sweet-smelling honeysuckle adorned Little Valley, the artistry of the hills intimidated her. She compared herself to the regal hills and thought poorly of herself, “What am I amongst these majestic hills of the Creator? Nothing but weeds and stones cover my terrain. I have no beauty with which to serve and magnify My Maker.”

One day, dark billowing clouds as black chariots of doom gathered across the sky. On the hills, the flowers closed their petals, the trees folded their leaves in terror. The sun disappeared, leaving no ray of its existence upon anything.

Little Valley shivered in the foreboding gloom and swirling winds, as the calamity wrapped itself around her shoulders as a sinister black cloak.

The hills trembled under the mighty power of the tempest as its violence ripped at its beauty. The proud hills crumbled under the oppressive weight.

The silence of the hills contrasted with Little Valley’s bemoaning of her situation. The storm struck at her heart, leaving a gaping hole in her landscape. The birds disappeared; their songs of praise gone with them. And all the other valley creatures departed for homes unknown. She cried great tears of grief for her loss.

In her mourning, she cried out to her Creator. “Save me, Master. I’ve been torn asunder. All is lost.”

Whispering back, He answered, “My sweet field of pleasure, My Little Valley, nothing strikes at your heart except it is sifted through My loving fingers. You do not see now but you will see later the beauty born of suffering. You will bring great glory to Me. Do not compare yourself with others. Trust in My Word. Trust in My promises.”

Little Valley sighed and rested in the knowledge that the Master Creator knew best.

Though they eventually ceased, the tears Little Valley shed filled the gaping hole and a beautiful pool of water emerged. The calm waters belied the rugged rocks lining its depths.

Water lilies began to appear on the pond’s surface. A profusion of multi-colored blossoms poked their heads up around the water’s edge. The grass grew the most beautiful shade of green and flourished everywhere. The birds returned to nest in newly formed trees.

Little Valley reveled in the results as she blossomed with new strength and beauty, born out of the suffering as the promise of the Lord. For the rest of her days, she knew she would serve her Master and bring glory to Him.

Though God has gifted you and set a purpose for your life, do you feel unworthy, untalented, or lacking in some area to serve Him because you compare yourself with others?

Just as the hills and valleys each have their own beauty and their own purpose, so does each child of God. Each of us serves to glorify the Lord in our own capacity, which is honoring to Him and beneficial to others. Whether you minister to large numbers or you minister to your next door neighbor, it is all serving the Lord. No one ministry is greater than another.

You are worthy to serve because Christ lives within you, so “whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him,” (Col. 3:17 NIV) as “though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.” (Col. 3:23 NLT)

I pray you know this…“For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With His love, He will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” (Zeph. 3:17 NLT)

Many thanks, Lynn, for illustrating so beautifully why God allows valley experiences in our lives. Though Psalm 23 is often read at funerals, the truth is that it is meant for the living. He walks with us through the valley, and not just through the “valley of the shadow of death,” but every valley, every day. Thank you Lord, that we never need to fear for You are with us (Ps. 23:4)

Driven to Distraction

Early Sunday morning, a few weeks ago, I woke up extra early to prepare for my Sunday School class, only to be distracted by another random task calling my name, leaving my preparation less than best.

Then while in the class, my cell phone signaled a text message arrival. I quickly silenced the alert, only to have it vibrate loudly two minutes later with another text message.

Several minutes later, someone else’s cell phone rang an alert.

A few minutes after that, the children loudly shuffled past our group to practice their special presentation, returning 15 minutes later, sweetly suspending our discussion once again.

The thing is – this type of stuff rarely happens in our class. No cell phones. No parades. No distractions. Each week, we have awesome discussions that experience very few interruptions. Even late arrivals don’t divert us from our study.

Our text that morning was Acts 16, particularly the demon-possessed, fortune-telling servant girl who followed Paul for days shouting “These men are servants of the Most High God, who are telling you the way to be saved.” This greatly distressed Paul, and he cast out the demon. Since the girl was declaring truth, our group shared thoughts on why Paul would be distressed, concluding that if “he accepted her words, he would appear to be linking the Good News with demon-related activities.” (Life Appl Bible)

And then it occurred to me. While that was most certainly true, it might also be simply that she was a distraction to the work Paul and his companions were doing.

Grrrr! That word – distraction! 

Lately, I’ve been quite onvicted about my own distracted nature. Unlike the focused, goal-oriented people I admire, I am a tumbleweed, often wandering from room to room, task to task. Being very busy, but in reality, accomplishing little.

My dear friend, Joanne at Blessed, shared not one, but two posts a few weeks ago about distraction. When she wrote that her nickname is “bright, shiny thing,” I laughed out loud, knowing that it could easily be mine too! She calls it “the attraction of distraction,” and that’s exactly what it is. It’s a lure, a snare, a decoy. Like a fishing lure, distraction will entice us, then hook us, keeping us from accomplishing anything.

“Hi, my name is Susan, and I’m a distractaholic.”

There I said it. Just as alcohol can derail the one addicted to it, so too, can distraction. Now, there’s nothing wrong with being a free spirit. Usually, I love being one. But there are times when I know that God signals a certain task for my day or a call on my life, and I must be honest and admit – I’m being disobedient.

Oswald Chambers said that “Good is the enemy of best.” The soothsaying servant girl shared a truthful statement, but it was a distraction from the men who were on God’s mission of truth. I may be busily serving the Lord, but if I’m not also listening to Him, my work is a distraction from my relationship with Him. Sometimes, a tumbleweed needs an anchor.

I want you to do whatever will help you serve the Lord best, with as few distractions as possible. 1 Cor. 7:35b

Life Without Limbs – Nick Vujicic

Nick Vujicic is a truly remarkable man. Born without arms and legs, he is an inspiration both in how he lives his life and how he captivates a huge audience of teens. I have written about him before. When you have a few extra minutes, be sure to watch the amazing videos I’ve linked below. I promise you will not be the same after watching them.
These are some of Nick’s quotes from his talk at Battle Cry in April:

– If you’ve prayed for a miracle and God doesn’t give you the miracle, you be a miracle for someone else.

– D.I.S. = when you “dis” someone, it’s not a good thing.
     D = demon
     I  = inspired
     S = suggestions
     as in: DIScouragement, DISillusionment, DISpair, DISsatisfied…

– Put your faith, not in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
     Jer. 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD,
     plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

– If He told you everything, you’d never be in a position to walk by faith.

– When the world says you’re not good enough, get a second opinion.

– When a mum wants her kids for dinner, she calls, “COME!” The kids say, “I’m coming…” Then repeat it over again 2 – 3 times. When God calls you, don’t say “I’m coming…” Say “Here I am!”

– How can you be Jesus’ hands and feet when you don’t have arms or legs?

Nick was so dynamic and powerful a speaker that I completely lost sight of his lack of limbs. Perched on a table, he shuffled back and forth as he spoke. When he was finished, the lights went off the table and on the next speaker. In the dark, he waited, and I watched, wondering how he’d get off that table. While all eyes (except mine) were on the next speaker, a man silently came up to the table, wrapped his arms around Nick’s torso, picked him up and carried him away like a sack of laundry with a head popping out. The humility of his being carried away like that spoke volumes to my breaking heart. This man had wowed the crowd. He was both hysterically funny and dramatically poignant, holding the audience completely enrapt. Yet in his weakness, he needed the help of another just to exit the stage. And it occurred to me that God wants us to be reduced to allow others to meet us in our weakness, and He will carry us. You can subscribe to his newsletter and read about his amazing ministry.

“Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.” James 4:7

Here are some of the links to watch Nick yourself:

The Butterfly Circus movie (20 minutes – bring tissues!)

Nick Vujicic – Greg Laurie Interview (21 minutes)

No arms, No legs, No worries (9 minutes)
Shows Nick swimming, cooking, grooming, daily activities

I Love Living Life. I Am Happy. (7 minutes)
Motivational clip of Nick speaking to youth

Nick Vujicic’ s Official Website