What happens when you assume?

NewYorker - do cars hate me


All my life, I have always been the shyest person in the room. So when my mom convinced me to attend a 2 week sleep-away Girl Scout camp, it was a true miracle. Two girls from my troop went with me so that gave me a tiny bit of comfort, but when we arrived at the camp, I was assigned to be in a different campsite group. I now know that their campsite was right down the dirt path, but at the time, it seemed like a million miles away. I felt totally alone and completely miserable.

Our campsite had five tents with five girls in each. In my tent, there were two pairs of friends. And me.

As things went from bad to worse, in my loneliness, I was absolutely certain that no one liked me.

I cried myself to sleep every night and wrote letters every day detailing how much I hated it there, begging my parents to please take me home.

After a week of despair, my counselors allowed me to transfer to my friends’ campsite. It only took one minute there to realize I had made a big mistake. The disgusting smell that greeted me at the entrance was the first of several huge disappointments. In less than an hour, I asked to go back.

Never had I been so bold.

Fortunately, the powers-that-be let me return to my prior campsite and tent. My counselor sat me down for a long stern talk by the river.

Later, my 10 year old tent mate, one half of one of the pairs of little friends, assured me that she was happy I was back, and she said something that I remember to this day:

“How do you think it makes us feel when you say we don’t like you?”

Her words cut me to the core. In a good way. I hadn’t given their feelings any thought. I was too preoccupied with my own. I had made assumptions about these sweet pairs of friends that were completely untrue based on my own insecurities.

The second week at camp was completely different. I had such a good time, I cried buckets of tears when it was time to go home.

It’s been forty years, and how often since then have I made assumptions about people that turned out to be completely unfounded. I projected my own insecurities onto someone else, viewing their actions through my muddled lens.

I think we all remember Felix Unger’s famous lesson about assuming:


All kidding aside, false assumptions can create serious consequences, resulting in critically damaged  relationships. In his book Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, Pete Scazzaro says:

“Every time I make an assumption about someone who has hurt or disappointed me without confirming it, I believe a lie about this person in my head. This assumption is a misrepresentation of reality. Because I have not checked it out with the other person, it is very possible I am believing something untrue.”

As a believer in Christ, I want to live in truth. Holding onto assumptions creates storylines in my head that cause me to live in a false reality.  Since God is Truth, by filling my head with false assumptions, I’m essentially not making room for Him in the limited space in my brain.

Of course, sometimes my assumptions are correct. But for the sake of healthy relationships, it’s necessary to check with the person about whom I’m assuming to verify the truth.

In Acts 17, the Bereans listened to Paul and Silas, and rather than assume their message was true or false, they did their “fact-checking.”

Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. Acts 17:11

How often do we make assumptions about others? About our circumstances? About ourselves? About God?

How much healthier would our relationships be if we took the time to fact-check and to clarify assumptions?




For more about assumptions and expectations, check out the Emotionally Healthy Spirituality materials at http://www.emotionallyhealthy.org/.

And/or a quick take on my previous blogposts:



Be An Oyster!

2 cor 4-17-18 sp

My friend, Cathy, showed up one day sporting an eye patch. She’s a stellar athlete who has triumphed over hard-hitting competition, but thanks to a tiny grain of sand that scratched her cornea, she was kept on the sidelines, out of the action. A microscopic irritant grated against the delicate tissue producing redness and tears and would ultimately cause permanent destruction if not removed.

But take that very same grain of sand, that source of irritation to the eye, place it in an oyster, and something magical happens. When that irritant is caught inside the oyster’s shell, the oyster starts to secrete a substance called nacre. This substance coats the irritant and encapsulates it. According to Wikipedia, “Nacre, also known as mother of pearl, is strong, resilient, and iridescent. This substance is called ‘mother of pearl’ because it is literally the ‘mother’, or creator, of true pearls.” What begins as an irritating annoyance is transformed. The insignificant grain of sand has become a valuable pearl.

It’s important to note that the irritant in the eye is exactly the same as the one in the oyster. What is different is the response! Scripture is clear that God allows tribulations in our lives. Jesus said, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) The phrase, “you will have trouble” is sandwiched between “you may have peace” and “take heart. I have overcome the world!”.

If you have someone, or something, in your life that is a source of irritation, it can suck the joy and peace right out of you. Just the sight of that person can raise all sorts of emotions. Just the reminder of that difficult situation can cause physical responses such as tightening of the muscles, headaches, stomach pains … do I need to go on?

Like sand trapped inside an oyster, whatever your source of irritation, it can be transformed into a valuable pearl. You can be “strong, resilient and iridescent” (reflecting the light), receiving your irritation as the beginning of a beautiful transformation in your life. Surround the grain with beauty and grace. Forgive them for being themselves. They really don’t know what they are doing. (Luke 23:34) If you recognize that God allowed this person or situation for your benefit, you will be creating pearls!

Don’t let yourself be troubled by what really is a small matter compared to eternity! Allow that nuisance to bring about transformation – Christlikeness – the most precious, priceless, valuable quality you could ever possess.

For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal. 2 Cor. 4:1


Can you really have “perfect peace?”

Is 26-3 Lake Swago


A few years ago, Hurricane Irene came to our NJ town. And afterwards so did the President and Governor. The aftermath of flooding left our neighborhoods destroyed, people displaced, businesses ruined. But the destruction was selective. While some areas were devastated, others were spared.

Among the many affected were two churches. In both cases, they had never experienced flooding, and so expected none this time. In both cases, they were wrong.

The Butler Community Church was undergoing a facelift. The downstairs, used for concerts and coffeehouses, was ready to have the floor painted. During the week, the congregation had raised furniture and valuable musical equipment two feet off the floor to prepare it for washing before painting. Along came Irene and the deluge of water that covered the floor. The next day, the fire department pumped all the water out leaving it sparkling clean, ready for painting!

Down the road, Beth Israel Church had nearly finished their massive 4 year renovation project turning an abandoned furniture store into a breathtaking sanctuary and ministry center. It was almost ready for dedication. The brand new carpet had just been laid when Irene came to town leaving the building with 4 feet of smelly, murky, oily water. Everything from floor to ceiling was in ruins. After the initial shock, the congregation’s first response was to see how they might serve their neighbors, providing meals to those who lost everything.

Did God show favor to one over the other?

Did God answer the prayers of one and not the other?

Or did He choose each for different purposes –

One to proclaim His deliverance.

One to reveal His grace.

We might not have an abundance of water to contend with, but what about other calamities, maybe a frightful diagnosis? Some who pray are miraculously delivered to share amazing testimonies about the power of the Almighty.

Yet there are others who pray with as much fervor and faith, yet still experience the tribulations of all manner of physical disease, mental illness, or addiction.

Thirty years ago, a friend was diagnosed with MS. She was a dancer and one morning woke up unable to move a single muscle. Miraculously, she has been symptom-free since then. Twenty years ago, another friend was diagnosed with MS. He prayed for healing. Yet the ravages of his disease have affected his speech, motion, and emotions. Today, he thanks God and credits Him with transformation in the best sense of the word. He’ll tell you he used to be “cocky,” a head-turning, stellar athlete filled with an over-abundance of self-confidence. He now barely walks with a steel walker, but it is God who he leans on.

We can and should pray for our circumstances as our heavenly Father wants us to bring all our concerns to Him. But we must realize that these circumstances do not define us or God. They are tools in His hands used to refine us. He may allow the flood, the disease, the broken relationships, the financial woes. Or He may deliver us from them entirely. He is sovereign. We are not – but when we know the One who is, when we trust His character, when we converse with Him in prayer, when we experience His presence through the Spirit, and when we know that He CAN deliver us, but chooses not to, then we can experience His perfect peace despite our circumstances. And that is a powerful testimony that will speak loudly to the lives of others still struggling in their own circumstances.

“Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. Luke 22:42-43

May He strengthen you too, dear one.

People with their minds set on you,
    you keep completely whole,
Steady on their feet,
    because they keep at it and don’t quit.
Depend on God and keep at it
    because in the Lord God you have a sure thing. Is. 26:3 MSG

The Aftermath

Image result for election 2016

For the past few months, I repeatedly read and heard people say, “I can’t wait for Nov. 9 for all this to be over!!”

Well, it is Nov. 9. And nothing is over. It’s just beginning.

I wrote this post yesterday – on Election Day – without knowing who won the election. But some things I do know about my tomorrow – The Day After.

There are a lot of unhappy people now. Half our nation is reeling that their candidate lost the election and are imagining the worst case scenarios.

There are a lot of happy people now. Their candidate won, and they picture their agendas coming to pass over the next few years.

What can these happy and unhappy people agree on?

Whether people are pleased or not with the election outcome, all will agree that this was an historic American election. Either the first woman president will be inaugurated. Or a non-politician Washington outsider will be.

And I think most people will agree that this nation is polarized. People are climbing into their bunkers of ideology shooting barbs at enemy combatants with differing opinions, forgetting that their enemies are also created by the same God, whether they know it or not.

My ministry tagline is “Bringing an eternal perspective to earthly matters.” And I think that this perspective is needed now more than ever. So to bring that eternal perspective, let me share some historical and biblical truths.

  • Persecution and governments hostile to the gospel have not hindered the growth of the church.
    • When Paul appealed to Caesar in Act 25, he was appealing his case to Nero, arguably “most despicable manifestations of human flesh ever to disgrace this planet”. The Apostle presented his case to a governmental authority riddled with corruption and hatred for the gospel.
    • Romans threw Christians to the lions, which did not extinguish Christianity but strengthened the believers’ faith.
    • Persecution in Jerusalem caused the church to grow and spread (Acts 8:1)
    • The church is growing in China, Africa, other persecuted areas while it is shrinking in the US, a supposedly “Christian nation.”
  • As citizens of heaven, our trust is in an eternal government led by God, not by mankind.
    • “But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control….” Phil 3:20-21
  • God calls us to obedience to those in authority.
    • “All authority come from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God.” Rom. 13:1
    • “Be subject to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake: whether to the king, as supreme; or unto governors, as sent by him” 1 Pet. 2:13-14
  • We are to pray for those in authority, and we will live in peace if we do.
    • “I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity.” 1 Tim. 2:1-2
    • “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known, and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus!”  Phil. 4:6-7
  • God is in control whether we believe it or not. He rules the universe with precision, keeping billions of molten stars, planets, and galaxies in perfect order. God will still be in control no matter who leads this small patch of the universe.
    • “For kingship belongs to the Lord, and he rules over the nations.” Ps. 22:28
    • “…putting everything in subjection under his feet. Now in putting everything in subjection to him, he left nothing outside his control. At present, we do not yet see everything in subjection to him.” Heb. 2:8
  • He knew who would be elected, even planned it, no matter how ungodly you think the candidate may be.
    • “The Lord Almighty has sworn,’Surely, as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will happen.’” Is. 14:24
    • The Lord has made everything for its purpose, even the wicked for the day of trouble. Prov. 16:4

As I said in the beginning of this post, when the election is over, it isn’t the end. It’s the beginning. It is incumbent upon us to be people that represent God well. We must demonstrate the love of Christ that is in our hearts. We have it in our power to bring healing to a country divided. I’ve heard people say that if ____ gets elected, I’m leaving the country. To that I say, don’t leave – the country needs you now more than ever.

Let us be salt and light, making our voices heard with respect for our opponents.

Let our conversation be gracious and attractive so that we will have the right response for everyone. Col. 4:6

Let us be ambassadors for a loving, compassionate God.


Roadside Lessons

If we’re friends on Facebook (and I hope we are!), you might have seen my day of disaster and delight on Friday. We started out to Atlantic City for a concert, but were sidelined by car trouble. Twice we needed AAA for the rescue. The second time, we waited by the side of Rte. 287, definitely NOT the safest place to be. My husband insisted it was safer to wait outside the vehicle, so I stood perched on a few feet of pavement between certain death either way. In front of me were cars, motorcycles, and GIANT trucks whizzing by. Behind me on the other side of a way-too-low-guardrail was a deep ravine.

Fortunately, the Lord provided something (or things) to take my mind off my dilemma.


Yup, these critters.

I’m not sure if they’re centipedes or millipedes or something else entirely. I do know that there were quite a few of them, and they each individually had the same goal. They had crawled up from the ravine behind me and were intent on getting to the highway.

However, each time a truck flew by the force of the wind gusts caused the little critters to tumble sideways over and over again. What I found fascinating was that each time they finished rolling, they wasted no time and got right back on their mission, their tiny feet taking step after step heading to the highway. Until the next gust of wind. And then they did it again, back to their mission.

After getting over my distaste sharing my space with them, I was extremely impressed with their tenacity. I thought I could learn a few things from them. And I did.

1. How often do I let far lesser interruptions derail me from my purpose?

It doesn’t take much for me to get distracted or discouraged, too often quitting before the finish line. Time after time, these critters were tossed headlong, but immediately set themselves back on track. I want to take my cue from them when things come crashing down around me, and keep my focus on what God has called me to do and to be

2. How often do I pursue something long after God has shown me to let it go?

These critters didn’t realize it, but for those who made it to the highway, their journey ended in the harshest way possible. Those on the sideline were on their way to certain death. I couldn’t imagine what drove them to destruction. (My mom suggested it might be mating season, so perhaps there were some cuties on the other side.) Unfortunately, the dangers didn’t deter them, and in this case, they should have.

Perhaps the turmoil of the winds served as a protection from the disastrous situation on the road ahead. In the same way God protects us, but too often we continue on our perilous journeys despite His warnings. We cling to our plans rather than let God direct us. Our own arrogance and personal desires can be our greatest downfall.



On the one hand, we need to persevere. On the other hand, we need to let go. How to know? The key here is to remain in deep personal relationship with the Lord in prayer and through His Word to be sensitive to His leading. And then to obey. This needs to be daily practice, not something we initiate when the crisis hits. Like the Apostle Paul, we need to be willing to press on, yet turn around when led to do so. (See my prior post.)


Here’s my spin on the famous Serenity Prayer:


God grant me the tenacity to stick to the plans You have for me.

The grace to surrender when You have a better strategy.

And the wisdom to know the difference.


Can we talk? Do you struggle more with pressing on or surrendering?


Prov. 3-5-6



In The Middle – the dark place between sorrow and joy

He is not here - sign

Today we are in the middle.
Yesterday was Good Friday –
the pain of suffering,
despair, heartache,
the event that left us full of tears
Tomorrow is Easter –
the joy of new life,
rising from the ashes of pain
Today we are just in the middle-
the preparing for tomorrow’s feast,
tomorrow’s worship,
tomorrow’s new garments

Do you ever feel – in the middle? Having experienced tragedy or loss, but waiting for the future hope and peace that is promised? We must wait, but not as those with no hope. It was while Jesus was waiting that He set the captives free.

When I was in Israel, one of the most powerful moments for me was at the Garden Tomb. I entered the empty tomb, and after my eyes adjusted to the darkness, saw the white garments folded on the stone bench. Turning to exit the tomb and enter the light, I saw a rough, wooden sign that read:

“He is not here;
he has risen,
just as he said.”
Matt. 28:6

Seeing those words in that place was a powerful reminder that He has risen. The full verse includes the words JUST AS HE SAID! So what else did He say?

We have been healed:“He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.”-1 Peter 2:24

We have a future:“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11

So we must:“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.” – Titus 1:2

“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” Hebrews 12:2-3

Today, while still in the middle, this is my prayer for you:“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” – Romans 15:13

My heart is grieving for a family that suffered a tragic loss. They are in the dark Saturday tomb and have lost hope for the future. They aren’t preparing for a glorious tomorrow. They are clinging to the pain of today. Perhaps you are in that place too or know someone stuck in their dark night of the soul, a place we are meant to transverse, not dwell.

The angels at the tomb asked, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; He has risen! Remember how He told you, while He was still with you in Galilee…” Lk. 24:5-6  
Oh that we could stop looking among the dead, in the dark, but remember and cling to what He told us, the hope for the future.

Today let us pray together that you and they and we all may remember the truth He told us and catch of glimmer of the glorious hope to come.

May you have a most blessed Resurrection Day! May you rejoice with Him who rose from the dead to give you eternal life, who endured the darkness to bring us with Him into the light. And may you be preparing for the ultimate feast, worship and garments yet to come!!
He is not here - tomb sign
He is not here - garden tomb

Forget it! Or remember?

forget remember SAP

Happy New Year!

On Jan. 1st, I updated my facebook status to read:

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” Is. 43:18-19

Seemed like the perfect verse to usher in the new year along with Paul’s words from Phil 3:13-14 “But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

Seems like starting a new year gives us opportunity to do a lot of forgetting.

Yet I also recall verses that tell me to do just the opposite – remember!

Repeatedly in Scripture the Lord urges His people to remember – His covenants with them, what He has done for them (and us), what they (and we) had been, how they (and we) angered God, how He forgave.

In fact, Isaiah himself who wrote “forget the former things” also wrote:

Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me.” Isaiah 46:9

So what’s a girl to do?

Forget or remember??

Well – a little of both.

Alas, I find myself remembering things that have little value, hurtful things, foolish things, things that should be long forgotten. These are the things that Isaiah says to forget – “do not dwell in the past.” In Paul’s description of the race of life, these things are weights that drag us down and keep us from pressing on toward the goal.

What we are to dwell on, to remember, is the God that is like no other. The One who redeemed us when we were unworthy, the One who sustained us when we couldn’t go on, the One who grants us peace beyond understanding, the One who helps us to love the unlovable and who loves us unconditionally, the One who made us and REmade us.

So in 2016, what will you remember? And what will you forget?


Of Birth and Death

The picture above is at the WTC memorial.
The rose was placed on Bruce’s birthday.
This photo honors both his birth and death. 

Today is one of those days where you can’t help but remember the exact moment when you heard the news. You know where you were, who you were with, what you were doing. I was standing in my kitchen watching the smoke billowing from the World Trade Center, a building I worked in for 11 years.
Each year brings another anniversary of a day that changed the world as we knew it, a day we commemorate the lives that were lost.
While we mourn the loss of every person who died that day, I want to particularly honor those who died because they chose to help others live.  My friend, Bruce a firefighter, was one of 411 emergency workers in New York City who died because he responded to the World Trade Center catastrophe. We don’t know exactly how many people survived due to the selfless acts of these civil servants.
Across the country, today is a somber and somewhat counter-cultural day. We tend to take notice of people’s birthdays, even have a few national holidays to remember them.  
It’s the same with Jesus. Christmas has a whole season, starting earlier and earlier each year. Good Friday and Easter barely get a weekend.  While the gospel writers are very clear on the date and time of Jesus’ death, there is no mention of the timing of His birth, and the early church didn’t celebrate His birth at all. The Bible pays much more attention to Jesus’ sacrifice and death, repeatedly instructing us to commemorate it, but there are no directives to observe or honor His birth.
At my grandfather’s funeral, the rabbi told a parable I’ll never forget. He compared life on earth to ships in a harbor. At one pier, people are rejoicing as a new ship sets sail, breaking a bottle of champagne on the bow, streamers cascading over the sides. But further down the harbor, a ship returns from a long voyage with barely any notice. In life, the rabbi said, people rejoice over the birth of a new baby, not knowing what trials and pitfalls may lie ahead, while much less attention is paid to a person whose journey has ended and has returned safely home.  
We rejoice that Bruce is safely home. We recognize and honor those who on 9/11/2001 in NYC, in Washington DC, and in a plane over Pennsylvania, followed the example of Jesus in sacrificing their lives that others might live. 

For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will scarcely die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die—butGod shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Rom. 5:6-8

Thank you Bruce and all the other valiant firefighters, policemen, EMTs and those on United flight 93. May we long remember and honor your sacrifice.  

To read more about life after Bruce, please visit his wife Ann’s blog. She is a gifted writer, sharing transparently about personal loss in the midst of a national tragedy, and a docent at the 9/11 Tribute Center. Her story was recently published in Chicken Soup For The Soul: Volunteerism

What Is Faith?

So often we are living in the aftermath of an event that left us full of tears. Now we’re in a dark time, experiencing the pain of suffering, despair, heartache.

Much like the disciples must have felt on the Saturday after the crucifixion.
They waited in their despondency, unaware of what was to happen the next morning; the joy of new life, resurrection, rising from the ashes of pain.
And that’s where faith grows.

In the dark, when we can’t see. The very definition of faith is “…the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Heb. 11:1

Faith isn’t wishful thinking, or hope without a solid foundation. It is comprised of two elements: truth and experience. And it must have both, or it isn’t true faith.
There are people who know  Scripture well, but have no experience or  relationship with its Author. Years ago, I worked with a brilliant guy, a certified Mensa genius. While he was in seminary, he memorized the entire Bible. Sadly, he also decided that he didn’t believe in God and so quit the seminary.
He had more knowledge of the truth than I ever hope to. Yet he had no experience or relationship with God, and so all his knowledge was in vain.
Then there are people who trust only in their experiences, but have no anchor of truth in the Word. Consequently they are tossed about with every wave of life. Their faith rests in their emotions and so they’re happy and trusting God when things are going well, but lose all hope when trouble strikes.
In the first episode of the TV series A.D., there is an excellent exchange between Mary, Jesus’ mother, and Mary Magdelene. After Mary tells Peter and the disciples, “Have you forgotten His prophecy? He promises to rise from death. Have you forgotten so quickly? CAN YOU NOT WAIT?,” she then left the room, and Mary Magdelene followed and asked her, “Are you sure He’s coming?”
“I know He is,” Mary replied.
“How can you be so sure?”
 “He raised others from death. This is what was prophesied, what He promised. Then why not Himself?”
Mary’s reply contains all the elements of faith:
Truth:  “what was prophesied, what He promised.”  
Experience: “He raised others from death.”
Faith: He’ll raise Himself.

Our faith grows and deepens in the dark when we stand on the truth of God’s Word lived out in our life experiences. 


Not So Great Expectations

On Saturday, I heard barely a peep about the snow, just that 2-4 inches were expected. We got 12-14 inches.

But on Monday, the coming snow was all anyone could talk about on TV, radio, social media. Blizzard warnings and expectations of 18-24 inches, whirred people into a frenzy.

It turned out to be the storm that wasn’t. Oh we did get snow, about 8 inches in my area, but the storm stayed farther east than expected and hit areas farther north.

“Jan. 27, 2015 will go down in the annals of history as the day New Jersey came to a standstill for a blizzard in another state.” nj.com

Forecasters blamed it on “sinking air” and gushed apologies. “My deepest apologies to many key decision makers and so many members of the general public,” said Gary Szatkowski, meteorologist-in-charge … “You made a lot of tough decisions expecting us to get it right, and we didn’t. Once again, I’m sorry.”

From politicians to business owners to school superintendents to stay-at-home moms, we all made decisions based upon expectations: closing services and roads, early dismissals from schools and businesses, buying more groceries than we could consume in a month.

People complained when we were expecting snow.

Then they complained when we got less than expected.

What was it that fueled these complaints? Not the snow, but rather the expectations of it and their response to those expectations.

It’s not just about snowfalls. It’s about life.

Disappointment is a direct result of expectations that aren’t valid. <<Click to tweet>>

And when we place expectations on someone else’s performance, our disappointment stems from our error, not theirs. We expect those who serve in ministry to be perfect, yet they are as human as we are. We expect our loved ones to behave in the way that we want them to, sometimes even completely contrary to their nature. We want our husbands to purchase the perfect gift by reading our minds, supernaturally knowing our secret wish. Or perhaps we want him to say just the right thing, or pick up a dishtowel, or put the kids to bed. We want our children to never embarrass us by saying or doing the “wrong” thing. We want our relatives to gather together as warmly as an idyllic Hallmark Christmas special.

Through the marriage ministry at my church, learning what makes an expectation valid has changed my marriage, my relationships with others, my life. There are 4 criteria to make an expectation a valid one. Expectations must be:
  1. Conscious
  2. Realistic
  3. Spoken
  4. Agreed Upon
All these criteria are important. We need to be consciously aware that we have certain expectations. We need to speak and share them. They absolutely need to be realistic. And that  last one is key. I often think my expectations of others are realistic, but if the other person hasn’t agreed to it, it is not a valid expectation.

When I’m disappointed by myself or someone else, I either feel my blood start to boil with anger or I spiral downward into a depression. I’ve learned to stop and consider if my expectations were valid. Did they meet each of the criteria? Mostly, I evaluate: did the other person agree to what I expected of him/her?  Because if they didn’t, my expectation isn’t valid, and I’m the one who needs to change the situation.

Is there a disappointment with someone in your life today? Can you apply the criteria above to see if perhaps you are harboring an invalid expectation? And if so, allow God to release your disappointment and to restore your relationship. Share your expectation, and see if you can agree on a realistic solution. You’ll be glad you did!

As for the snow, well…. there’s isn’t much we can do about the weather.  And there are no agreements to be made. But we can choose our reaction, and enjoy it the best we can.

I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Phil. 4:11-13