Butterflies Are Free

So if the Son sets you free,
you will be free indeed.
John 8:36

Butterflies populate our church. Not real ones, but images of butterflies adorn the walls representing the vision of our church – transformation. What else represents transformation better than a butterfly? What a picture of what God does in the life of the believer. He lifts us out of our miry existence and enables us to soar like eagles.

There’s a story about a little boy who spotted a cocoon squirming on the sidewalk. To be a good helper, the boy opened up a hole in the end. But when the butterfly emerged from the chrysalis, it was crippled, unable to fly. It needed the struggle to break out of the chrysalis to develop strength in its wings.

And it is the struggles we face that strengthen us and provide freedom. When we are in a dark place like a cocoon, we can trust that God is still working. He is transforming us into new creations, no longer to be trudging along, but giving us wings. As in exercise, no pain – no gain.

Sometimes, we see others in the struggle. We want to rush in to save the day for our children, but they’ll never develop their wings if we do. Maybe we have a friend or family member that needs to be accountable, not just assisted. Though we want to be a helper like the little boy, we may need to step back and allow our fellow butterfly to experience their struggle so they can be strengthened for their journey. That can be harder than going through the struggle ourself, can’t it?

I just saw an amazing movie called “The Butterfly Circus.”

It’s 20 minutes, so when you have the time, I urge you to watch it. It will move you beyond words. Click here to watch it. And have tissues handy. 

After you watch the movie, here are some links to clips you’ll want to watch about one of the actors in the film. I can’t tell you more without spoiling the impact of the movie, but be sure to take the time to click on the YouTube videos below. You will be inspired, I promise.

Nick Vujicic – Greg Laurie Interview (21 minutes)

No arms, No legs, No worries (9 minutes)
Shows Nick swimming, cooking, grooming, daily activities

I Love Living Life. I Am Happy. (7 minutes)
Motivational clip of Nick speaking to youth

Nick Vujicic’ s Official Website
What impact did this have on you?
Have you ever felt like a caterpillar? How about a butterfly?
Have you ever felt like an oddity, suitable only for a circus sideshow?
How has God transformed you? Used you in someone else’s life?


5 thoughts on “Butterflies Are Free

  1. I just had to leave a post here because "Butterflies are free!" was my mom's favorite slogan! She wore butterfly jewelry and flitted from house to house, person to person, bringing joy and color into their lives. Wish I could have watched the video but I'm on dialup and have trouble even watching a 1 minute video. But, thanks for the memories!

  2. Oh my goodness! I just finished watching that movie and yes, I used many tissues! It was so moving and inspiring! Thank you Susan for sharing this with us. It is my desire to be a HOPE giver..

    These words in the movie really moved my heart and tears:

    "But they are different from me." "Yes, you do have an advantage. The greater the struggle the more glorious the triumph."

    Yes, Satan has tried often times to make me feel like I am nothing because of the way I grew up as a child…but my Lord's words always speak louder to me and I know that our struggles are for a reason. That reason is so we can help others in only a way that God put us here to do.

    I pray that He is using me. I felt his urgings to start my blog so that I could help others find their wings to fly.

    Thank you again Susan for being such a hope-giver through your blog. I enjoyed your interview today at One So Blessed. God has his hand on you and is using you in mighty ways.

    Lee Ann

  3. Good post; thanks for sharing this. It makes me think of watching my kids grow, and how hard it was to watch them go through certain things so they could learn. Now that they are adults, it's a little easier:) It makes me think too, of my own challenges and growth. I confess to be a work in progress.

  4. Thank you for sharing this. I found it several weeks ago on Michael Hyatt's blog and was deeply touched by its message. It's good to see that other bloggers are sharing this little gem.

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