What – Me Worry??

This week, I’m heading to the speaker/writer conference She Speaks, with my book proposal in tow. I’m filled with anticipation of exciting possibilities ~ meeting women from across the country, learning from experts in their fields, and appointments with publishers to present my proposal. And despite the excitement, a measure of fear lurks beneath. And I’m not alone. I see from friends I know and those I will get to know that many are experiencing similar emotions.
Some worry about their families at home. Others about the conference itself and what they’ll say in their presentations.
Worry seems to be a universal tool of the enemy to keep our eyes focused on ourselves instead of God. But thankfully, there’s an antidote to worry.

Jesus knew the disciples would be called to speak publicly and He had this advice for them:

“…don’t worry in advance about what to say. Just say what God tells you at that time, for it is not you who will be speaking, but the Holy Spirit.” Mk 13:11

The Holy Spirit inside us, comforting us, guiding us, dispels the worries that plague us.
If we try to fit God into our agenda, we’ll be worried and stressed. When we rest in the knowledge that the Spirit is doing the talking, we’ll experience peace. This is not to say that we shouldn’t be diligently prepared.  It is to say that we let God guide our thoughts and actions.
We have no control over many of the things that happen to us each day. Family, health, financial, weather, and job situations press upon us and weigh us down. In any given moment, we could receive bad news, have an argument, be required to do something seemingly beyond our ability.
In that moment, we have a choice.
We can wallow in the gloom of self-pity, worry, fear, or depression. Or we can ask God for His perspective. In his letter to the Philippians, Paul shares the secret to finding joy in troubling times:

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Phil 4:8

This process is the same whether it’s worship or worry. Worry is life-sucking meditation on the negative. Paul tells us what to meditate on: what’s true, noble, just, pure, lovely, things of good report, virtuous and praise-worthy things.
When a dear friend was going through a terrible time, she started a list. Using this Scripture, she decided to  list verses that stated what was true, noble, just, etc. She never got past “true.” Her truth list was comprehensive enough for her to rewire her brain to meditate on the truth of God’s unfailing love, His hope-filled plans for her, His never-ending compassion, His mercy, His trust-worthiness, His peace that passes understanding. 

What’s on your truth list? 

Somebody’s Daughter

My heart pounded me awake. The screaming in my ears was my own. As my eyes adjusted to the 3 am darkness, it dawned on me that it was just a dream. For me, it was a dream but for others it’s a living nightmare.
In my dream, my daughter, who is studying in Australia, was abducted and sold into slavery. I remember every agonizing detail of the dream, where she was, how they grabbed her, the dread in her eyes, the terror in my heart, and  my panic that it would take me 24 hours just to travel there and by then she’d have disappeared into the abyss.

With my husband still peacefully asleep, I grabbed my phone & texted my daughter to make sure she was ok. And she was. The flood of relief that it wasn’t my daughter in the nightmare came with an immediate awareness that though not mine, it was somebody’s daughter.


Please click on over to my friend Tanya Dennis’ blog to continue reading the story. It’s a story that began with a dream and is growing into a new ministry.

Yesterday, Independence Day, was all about celebrating freedom. Today I’m posting is about those who are denied freedom. There are more slaves in the world today than there were during the Civil War, in fact more than at any time in history.

God started moving me to do something about it. In a week’s time, my group of two increased to nine. We are meeting on Tues, July 9, 2013 to answer the question “How can we make a difference from here?” What can we do? A lot, it turns out. If you’d like more information, please leave a comment on the post or reply via email.


Is it about the nail?

I hate to generalize. Not ALL men are from Mars. Not ALL women are from Venus. But there are enough examples in life to make some truisms even if they don’t always apply to everyone.

Case in point – “they” say:

  • Men are problem-solvers. They want to fix problems. 
  • Women are talkers & emotional. They want to be heard, not fixed. 

This issue raises its ugly head in my marriage, and likely does in yours too. My husband Tony thinks he’s trying to help. I assume he’s trying to fix something in me that I don’t think is broken.

So when Tony found this brilliant, hysterical video on facebook, he shared it – on facebook, in small groups, told our patients, pretty much let his entire corner of the world know it was out there.

If you haven’t seen it, you must.

And then after  you watch it, continue reading below:


For over 2 years, Tony and I have been enmeshed in a current day David and Goliath fight. Our opponent looks and acts so much like Mr. Potter from It’s A Wonderful Life that I occasionally inadvertently refer to him as Mr. Potter. Our Mr. Potter is a real estate mogul who bullies people into doing his will rather than obey the town ordinances, and unfortunately our house stands in his way.

This week provided another round of worries as we tried to discern what Mr. Potter and his land-moving equipment were up to.

Throughout this ordeal, Tony has tried to solve the problem ~ as men are apt to do. He’s tried to reason what steps we should take or not take as the case may be. There are a few decisions we’ve had to make, but at this point, there’s little we can do but wonder. So this week, Tony did what he’s done before. He took a walk.

His walks in our local arboretum have been incredible transformational times where he’s grown closer to God. And this week was no exception.

When he returned, Tony shared how he had been caught up in a whirlwind of thoughts ~ what are they doing, is there something I can do about it, who should I talk to, on and on. Then he sensed the Lord saying,

“It’s not about the nail: Don’t try to fix it. Just listen to Me.”

It goes completely against his problem-solving nature. I’m so darn proud of my man for seeing this truth, for sharing it with me, and for allowing me to share it with you.

So let me close with this:

Ladies: Sometimes it really IS just about the nail. Don’t be defensive or argue with your husband because his solution to your problem may be all you really need.

Men: It isn’t always as obvious as the nail. Situations we deal with can be complex and unsolvable, at least at the moment. There may be other people or issues involved. Sometimes it’s enough to be a compassionate listener without offering advice.

And everyone: Don’t try to fix things in your own strength. And always listen to God!

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways My ways,”
declares the Lord.
Isaiah 55:8

Each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself,
and the wife must respect her husband.
Ephesians 5:33 

But He said to me, 
“My grace is sufficient for you, 
for My power is made perfect in weakness.”
2 Corinthians 12:9

Who do you identify with more? The fixer or the one who wants to be heard? How do you resolve differences between you and your spouse?