
Oh, why is it that we tend to focus on the 1% negative instead of the 99% positive?

6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
8Finally, brothers [and sisters!], whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.  Philippians 4:6-9

When we read the above verses, we usually note that verse 8 tells us what we ought to think about. But if we look at verses 7 and 9, we see that the peace of God (v.7) and the God of peace (v.9) are like bookends surrounding our thought life. If we can but focus on what is true, right, pure… anything that is excellent… something that is worthy of praise, we will discover the peace of God bathing our minds and the presence of the God of peace directing our thoughts.

Can you find something true and let your thoughts meditate on that today?

Would you leave a comment or send me an email on something you found true or worthy of praise? I’ll post them later this week for all of us to share!


New News

Thanks so much, sweet cybersisters, for your prayers on behalf of my family. It was a tough, but worthwhile trip to Florida. We had 5 doctor visits in 4 days. We saw the internist, kidney specialist, oncologist, a new chiropractor and back to the internist. It was a perfect storm of scheduled appointments, each one providing valuable new information. My dad came home from the hospital on Tuesday having regained strength after having his blood sugar level restored. My stepmother’s hyponatremia (salt loss) can be regulating by restricting her fluid intake and taking salt tablets. That’s the good news, but there are still several serious issues that need prayer. Both are very fatigued, and my dad is having some uncomfortable side effects from ongoing chemo treatments. It’s hard being far from family, and they would like to move back to NJ, but the depressed real estate market is making it difficult for them to sell and buy a new home up north. They are both very appreciate of the prayers on their behalf.

On a different health issue:

Patrick Swayze’s recent death from pancreatic cancer brings to the headlines an condition that has affected our family deeply. Almost 4 years ago, Tony’s cousin, Ron Weber, passed away after battling pancreatic cancer. Then last summer, one of our favorite patients and friend, Jerry Schwartz, lost his battle with pancreatic cancer just a few months after being diagnosed. And exactly one year ago, my cousin, Allen Woolf, died within one month of being diagnosed with this same insidious disease.

On Sept 27th, my family and I are walking to support research for a cure for pancreatic cancer. The Lustgarten Foundation was extremely helpful to the Weber family during their ordeal, and they are leading the charge to finding a cure and effective treatment for this disease.

We will be walking in honor of Ron, Jerry and Allen.
If you would like to give a donation by credit card online to support this wonderful organization:
Go to:
Click on: Sponsor Me in the upper right corner
Fill in your information
Click on: Donate Now at the bottom of the page


Why I don’t live in Florida

Okay, it’s official. I am living in a Seinfeld episode!
Even a difficult situation has its funny moments!

Arriving at the airport, I was supposed to meet Larry, the driver. On my cellphone in the busy terminal, I heard him say, “I’ll meet you outside.” So I waited outside in the suffocating heat and humidity with the other passengers. My hair was expanding by the minute. One by one, everyone was wisked away by their ride, and no Larry. Finally, I turned around and spotted a lanky old man in shorts, jacket and hat standing alone inside the doors. Could it be Larry? I turned to go inside, the glass doors parting before me like the Red Sea, releasing a blast of frigid air. Sure enough, it was Larry standing beside the deserted baggage carousel. Evidently, he said he’d meet me by the “number five”, not “outside.” You mean I could have waited in the air conditioning? Did he not think to step outside where everyone else was waiting for transportation? Oy!

Remember the Seinfeld episodes when Jerry visited his parents in Florida? I’m living the dream!

How about the one when Elaine slept on the sofabed and needed a chiropractor in the morning? Well, my chiropractor’s back in NJ!! [Miss you, hon!] I moved to the living room couch after the 1st night. Just like Elaine, I was assured that there was extra padding on the mattress crumpled inside the soda. Hmmmm, really?

Or the one where Jerry’s mom thinks it’s freezing if the temperature drops below 95. I was told to “bring a jacket because it’s so cold.” Are you kidding me? I’ve been having hot flashes that last all day.

In the morning, I had to drive alone to the hospital. How do I get out of here? Every street looks exactly the same. One wrong turn, and I will be lost forever in a maze of palm trees and stucco facades. We got my dad a GPS for his anniversary last year. Where would he keep it? My search of the car revealed only a pack of tissues and a deck of cards. Well, if I get stuck in the maze, at least I can play solitare!

Asking for directions wasn’t much help either. “It’s about 4 miles [it was 6] down the road. Look for the little blue ‘H’ signs.” How about mentioning the GIANT entrance to the university directly across the street? Luckily, I tore a map out of the phone book before I left. Too bad the map only showed 9th and 14th streets, and the hospital is off of 13th behind … a maze of palm trees and stucco facades.

These are a few of the signs I passed on the 6 mile trek to the hospital, well except for one. Can you guess which fictional development Jerry’s parents lived in?
-Boca Lakes
-Boca Gardens
-Boca Glades
-Boca Lyons
-Boca Rio
-Boca Lago
-Boca Pointe
-Boca Grande
-Oaks of Boca
-Del Boca Vista
I think I’ll name one Boca Shmoca…

Last night, I had a close encounter with a gekko. I won’t go into the harrowing ordeal, but he had no business being inside, and with my dad away, the extermination was left to me. Let’s just say: this is not my gift. I think my bloodcurdling screams could be heard echoing beyond … a maze of palm trees and stucco facades. And did you know that even if a palmetto bug is lying on his back in the same spot all night, he still might not be dead? Trust me on this – or you may experience the bloodcurdling screams yourself. Florida is not for the squeamish!

There’s a park nearby – Palmetto Park. Why not just be honest and call it Giant Cockroach Park?

Above my dad’s desk is a ‘classic’ guidebook “How To Be An Extremely Reform Jew” which contains such wonderful advice as:
Every doorpost in your house should have a mezuzah (a small hollow case containing a tiny scroll of parchment that typically reads ‘Inspected by No. 32’), and every time you pass by one, you should touch the mezuzah gently with your fingertips and then kiss your fingertips, until everyone in the household has the same flu symptoms. You should also say: “May God protect my going out and my coming in from now and evermore,” though it is common to abbreviate this to: “God, I’m late. Where is my umbrella?”

Now if I only had a pen that could write upside down in space!

ps – Thanks to all of you for storming the gates of heaven with me. Your prayer support means the world to me. I so appreciate the comments & emails, and I do feel your prayers.
Today is the first of our series of doctor’s appointments. May he & we get to the cause of the problem, so it can be properly treated. Lord, a complete miraculous healing would work, too!!
Thank you and God bless you…

Let’s Storm the Gates!

I flew down to Florida today unexpectedly because my dad is in the hospital and my stepmom is facing dire health problems of her own. I’ll be here until Thursday, attending doctors appointments, investigating resources and making home health care arrangements.

I’d appreciate your prayers for their health, both physically and spiritually.

I once read a story by Corrie ten Boom who was in a concentration camp during World War II. As she was being taken away by the guards, her friend ran past her and whispered, “I’m storming the gates of heaven for you.” Those words made a great impact on me regarding my prayer life. Do I have the sense that I am storming the gates of heaven when I pray?

Would you storm the gates of heaven with me? And let me know what I can pray for you.


Fearless by Max Lucado

Fear has been a constant companion all my life. To me, it is like the threshold in a doorway. It prevents me from going further. When I was little, I remember being afraid of participating in a pillow fight my dad was having with my little sister. I stood silently at the entrance to the room, even after they invited me to join them. I still find that it is fear that prevents me from moving forward.

So when I was given the opportunity to review the new Max Lucado book, Fearless, I jumped at the chance.

We live in a world of turmoil and unrest. People everywhere are facing real fearsome situations: economic crisis, terrorism, health issues. “Every season seems to bring fresh reasons for fear.” Other people (like me) have unrealistic fears like pillow fights, phobias, worries for the sake of worry.

In Fearless, Max Lucado addresses all these issues with life stories and Biblical wisdom. He challenges us to trust more and fear less. And he provides the tools to accomplish this. Each chapter focuses on a different aspect of fear including the fear of “not mattering”, the fear of worst-case scenarios, the fear of global calamity, the fear of death, the fear of disappointing God. Fearless challenges us to imagine our life without fear, wholly untouched by angst. “What if faith, not fear, was your default reaction to threats?”

The book is such an easy read, yet with such a compelling message. It empowers me as the bride of Christ to choose to allow my Bridegroom to carry me over that threshold, past that fear, leave it behind and enter into a place of peace, living a life free of fear.

For more information on Fearless, visit Thomas Nelson Publishing.

Splendor in the Ordinary

Last night, some friends and I attended a minor league baseball game.

Parking Fee: $2.00
Entrance Fee: $7.00
Piece of Americana: Priceless

It was so much fun watching and participating in this all-American sport – being at this small venue, rooting for the home team, eating hot dogs (my son, not me!), seeing the local advertisers. And after the game – a terrific fireworks display.
I noticed that during the fireworks, the ground crew was busy on the field, in the dark, cleaning up the infield, going about their business, paying no attention whatsoever to the splendor above them.
And I wondered…
How often do I go about my business, running errands, cleaning up my home, and fail to notice the spendor all around me?
How often do I miss the plants, green all summer, that burst into bloom now in the fall? The photos of my loved ones on the windowsill that might need dusting, but really need a prayer today? The sun behind the clouds providing warmth and light? The stars and moon illuminating the night sky like jewels on velvet?
How often to I take for granted my abilities just to do my ordinary tasks? To be thankful for limbs that work, eyes that see, ears that hear? To appreciate my voice that can’t sing a note on key, but can be heard by my children, sharing words of encouragement? To be grateful for the heart that pumps without my notice, the lungs that breathe in comingled air – take in needed oxygen – and expel the rest, the tiny circulating white blood cell soldiers combating infection, all without my notice?
How often do I grumble rather than thank my Provider for my home that needs work? my clutter that represents memories of sweet days gone by? my other clutter demanding my attention which, in time, I am able to provide?
Do I resent the intrusion of cell phones that keeps my kids fingers texting at the dinner table or do I thank the Lord for technology that allows me to keep in touch with them in their language while they are away at college? that even took the picture above capturing my moment of inspiration?
Sharing this with my husband, he said, “The crew sees the fireworks every night. They just wanna go home.” And that is true enough. But there is splendor in our every day experiences that we miss because they become ordinary to us.

Today, I encourage you to take notice of God’s presence in the ordinary. Your day will not be the same!

Be thankful in all circumstances,
for this is God’s will for you
who belong to Christ Jesus.
1 Thess.5:18


To Provoke or Not To Provoke

At a recent conference I attended, David LeCompte stood before the audience, showing photos of Christians in Arab strongholds in Iran, Iraq and the West Bank city of Ramalla. I understood the bravery of these Christians going against the fierce tide of Muslim society. I recognized the need to share the love of Christ with those descendents of Abraham. But I also had a uneasy feeling, particularly when it came to the Palestinians in Ramalla. As he shared his experiences with these people, I recalled the many negative emails I’ve received and news stories I read about them.
As a Jewish believer, I realized my perspective is biased, harboring resentment toward those who seek to destroy my people. The Israeli Prime Minister said “If the Palestinians put down their weapons, there will be peace. If the Israelis put down their weapons, there will be no Israel.” Israelis don’t strap bombs to their children and send them off to crowded markets. They don’t destroy property and the environment. They live in the 21st century, not as if they were still in ancient times. I could list off many reasons to harbor ill will toward them. But David LeCompte encouraged me to love them as Jesus did, dying for each one of them as He did for me.
After the session, I had hoped to express to him how difficult this is for a Jewish person. No sooner did this thought cross my mind than he walked out of the building right in front of me, and I had the chance to share my concern. He understood perfectly and prayed with me. He said that as he spreads his message of love for the Arab people, he encounters resistance from many Christians, supporters of Israel. Then he said, “I guess I am a provoker.”

I’ve thought a lot since then about being a provoker.
The dictionary defines provoking as:
1. to anger, enrage, exasperate, or vex
2. to stir up, arouse, or call forth
3. to incite or provide the needed stimulus for action
4. to give rise to, induce, or bring about
By this definition, provoking can be good or bad. It depends on who’s getting “vexed” or the action that is stimulated. To me, the word “provoke” always had a negative connotation. But looking at this list, I see that Jesus was a provoker in every category. He angered the religious leaders of the day, pointing out their folly. He aroused the crowds and called forth disciples. He stimulated people to action, leaving home and families to follow Him. He brought about a transformation that changed the course of history.
After researching this in the Word, I compiled a few do’s and don’ts regarding provoking:

1. Don’t provoke the Lord to jealousy. The Israelites did this repeatedly in the Old Testament, following after kings and other gods, losing sight of the One who deserved their love and full attention. Paul asked the believers, “Do you dare to provoke the Lord’s jealousy as Israel did? Do you think you are stronger than He is?” 1 Cor. 10:22

2. Don’t provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Eph. 6:4) lest they be discouraged (Col. 3:21)

3. DO provoke one another to love and good works! (Heb. 10:24) The NLT translates this verse: “Think of ways to encourage one another to outbursts of love and good deeds.” I love that – outbursts of love!

So, let’s start provoking! Let us stir up love, encourage good works, speak up for those who cannot. What can 1 person do? Start with your family. Provoke those around you to love and good works. Start a transformation that can change the course of history !

A Desperate Day – A Glorious Day

Sept 1st.
I set the date weeks ago.
The day both kids are off at college.
The day I will become organized, disciplined, focused.
The day I will start my healthy regimen of both diet and exercise.
The day I will block out a schedule for Tuesdays and Thursdays
(the days I don’t work from 8 am to 8 pm).
The day I set with Cheri, my accountability partner.
The day I woke up on my own at 6 am, eager to get started!
The day I went back to sleep, woke up at 7 am, went back to sleep and finally crawled out of bed at 8 am. Ugh!
The day I decided to go for a long brisk walk with my dog, but stopped to load some new Travis Cottrell worship cd’s onto my ipod first. Oh boy!
The day I stopped by the computer to check my email before I picked up my Bible to check in with the Lord. Uh-oh!
Just yesterday I wrote about Christians who rarely read the Bible settling for just an experiential relationship with the Lord. I knew when I wrote it that I was the “chiefest of sinners” in this matter, and that I was speaking to myself as much as anyone else, yet here I was the very next day doing the same old bad habits.
I want to do what is right, but I can’t.
I want to do what is good, but I don’t.
I don’t want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway.
Oh, what a miserable person I am!
Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin…?
Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Romans 7:18-19, 24-25 NLT
. .
I saw in my email that Cheri was organizing, exercising, being accountable.
Like I was supposed to be.
I had a choice.
I could say, “Today is lost already. I’ll just start Thursday instead.”
Or I could say, “Okay, you lost a few hours, but get moving now!”
I chose the second.
And my day went from desperate to glorious.
As Roxie and I set out, the day was perfect. When I entered the neighborhood arboretum where I walk, I turned to the left instead of my normal route to the right and witnessed some beautiful new sights along the way as I worshipped the Lord with my new tunes!
A new gazebo was being installed.
A rainbow shimmered in the spray of the fountain.
A family of ducks gently skimmed their way across the pond.
A new bench was under the trees near a grove of 8 foot tall magnificent plants I never saw before.
My 20 minute excursion lasted almost an hour.
At the beginning of our walk, Roxie rubbed her face on the ground because of the Gentle Leader around her nose (see her feelings about that here.) After a warning from me, she continued to walk ahead of me, but would often turn around to check to see if she was on the right track.
After the Lord so gently chided me, I plan to keep checking with Him to make sure I’m on the right track!
So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.
And because you belong to Him,
the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin.
Romans 8:1-2

My accountability email from Cheri ended with these words, “There are obvious blessings in this day……….and some not so easily recognized! I hope He makes you aware of all of them!!!!”
I’m thanking God that so far He made me aware of many of them, and I’m anticipating more to come!
If you would like to join me in my quest for discipline, please let me know. You can comment on the blog or privately send me an email. We can be accountability partners through the miracle of the internet! Let us encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today… Heb. 3:13

the new gazebo . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the rainbow in the spray

the new bench by the grove
